WWE SmackDown: Live Updates, Results and Reaction for February 19 (2024)

Invalid DateNew Orleans, Louisiana

The Doctor Chris Mueller

Welcome to Bleacher Report's live coverage of WWE SmackDown on February 19. Fastlane is coming up on March 10, so WWE is already planning on naming Daniel Bryan's challenger for the WWE title. We will also see The Miz issue an apology to Shane McMahon, the NXT takeover of the main roster will continue and Charlotte react to the ambush from Becky Lynch at Sunday's Elimination Chamber. Make sure to keep it locked right here for live updates of all the action.

  1. February 20, 2019
  2. 3:02 am

    TDE Wrestling @totaldivaseps

    .@TrueKofi isn't stopping yet! #KofiMania https://t.co/w5Posm8MP6

  3. 3:01 am

    WWE @WWE

    This #6ManTag Match is getting CHAOTIC! #SDLive https://t.co/iK9N1Ag1IT

  4. 3:00 am

    You Deserve It

    Shane comes out and names Kofi Kingston as the No. 1 contender at Fastlane. The crowd pops for him as the show ends.

    WWE @WWEIndia

    “I AM THE #WWEChampion!” - @WWEDanielBryan #SDLive https://t.co/OD8CKNuAg6

  5. Invalid Date
  6. February 20, 2019
  7. 2:59 am

    Hardy, Kingston and Styles vs. Bryan, Samoa Joe and Orton Part 2

    We return to see Bryan giving Kofi a beatdown. The Viper tags in and drops Kingston onto the announce table again. Orton runs his shoulder into a ring post when Kingston moves out of the way. Both men make the tag and Styles goes right after Bryan. He hits a neckbreaker for a two count. He locks in the Calf Crusher but Joe breaks it up. Everyone starts coming in and hitting a big move on someone else. Styles counters the flying knee and hits a Pele kick. Kofi gets the tag and takes Bryan down with a springboard ax handle. He blocks a suicide dive with a forearm and hits a missile dropkick. He lines up for Trouble in Paradise and nails it for the pin and the win.

    WWE Universe @WWEUniverse

    #TheNew @WWEDanielBryan kicking things up a notch. #SDLive https://t.co/JUeobwMGbB

  8. 2:51 am

    WWE @WWE

    WOOOOOOO!Who's ready for @RicFlairNatrBoy's birthday celebration on #RAW? 🎉 https://t.co/qqsbVA3zIn

  9. 2:50 am

    Hardy, Kingston and Styles vs. Bryan, Samoa Joe and Orton Part 1

    Kofi and Joe start the match with a lockup. Fans chant for Kingston as he hits a springboard dropkick for a quick one count. He tags Hardy for a double team. Joe takes over before bringing in Orton. Bryan tags in and hits some kicks for a two count before tagging right back out. Jeff uses a jawbreaker to escape and tag Kofi. He goes on a rampage and hits the Boom Drop. Bryan shoves him off the top turnbuckle so Orton can suplex him onto the announce table.

    WWE Universe @WWEUniverse

    #TheNew @WWEDanielBryan can say, with complete certainty, that NONE OF THESE MEN will be the next challenger for the #WWEChampionship! #SDLive https://t.co/KlC3j2aPqS

  10. 2:42 am

    Same Old Bryan

    Bryan gives another one of his preachy promos on the way to the ring.

    WWE @WWEIndia

    Today it’s #SDLive... in a few days, it’s #India! Who’s excited for #TheNewDay visiting us? @WWEBigE @TrueKofi @XavierWoodsPhD https://t.co/235bxrCaRG

  11. 2:35 am

    Kacy Catanzaro @KacyCatanzaro

    There is nothing you can’t do. ❤️ https://t.co/79sid2Yz96

  12. 2:33 am

    WWE Universe @WWEUniverse

    A visual representation of The #PowerOfPositivity. 🥞🦄#SDLive @TrueKofi @WWEBigE @XavierWoodsPhD https://t.co/GtEwOCzSoB

  13. 2:29 am

    No Way Jose @WWENoWayJose

    #KofiMania https://t.co/i94EBU328a

  14. 2:26 am

    Ricochet vs. Eric Young

    We return to see both competitors trading armbars and wristlocks. Ricochet sends Young out of the ring with a dropkick. Young runs back in and is met with a few punches to the face. EY knocks him off the apron when Alexander Wolfe provides a distraction. Young chokes Ricochet and hits a knee drop to the back of the head for a two count. Ricochet finds his second wind and begins building momentum with a series of quick moves. He hits a springboard uppercut and a standing shooting star press for two. He fends off Wolfe before taking out Dain and Young with a dive over the top rope. The One and Only hits the 630 for the pin and the win.

    WWE Southeast Asia @WWESEAsia

    The One. And. Only. @KingRicochet faces @TheEricYoung NEXT on #SDLive!! https://t.co/XHdmOdJ9rD

  15. 2:17 am

    WWE Universe @WWEUniverse

    Those battle wounds...@MsCharlotteWWE #SDLive https://t.co/I3FLyiloGL

  16. 2:13 am

    Asuka vs. Mandy Rose Part 2

    We return to see Mandy drill Asuka with a knee to the face at ringside. The champ beats the count back into the ring and Rose stomps on her several times. The Empress fights back with some stiff strikes and a missile dropkick. A spin kick to the head scores Asuka a two count. She sends Rose flying with a release German suplex before hitting a shining wizard for a near fall. Rose fakes a eye injury and rolls Asuka up for the upset victory.

    WWE @WWE

    You've got to be -- and we can't stress this enough -- READY for @WWEAsuka! #SDLive https://t.co/I9f20dWHq6

  17. 2:06 am

    Asuka vs. Mandy Rose Part 1

    Apparently, this is a match now since there is a ref in the ring. Mandy applies a headlock right away and Asuka breaks free so she can hit a dropkick. Lacey Evans' music hits and she walks down the ramp. Sonya tells her to leave, so Lacey leaves. Mandy uses the distraction to hit a side Russian leg sweep for two. The Empress hits a few kicks but Rose still corners her. Asuka sends her flying out of the ring as we head to commercial.

    WWE Southeast Asia @WWESEAsia

    Who's next for @WWEAsuka? #SDLive https://t.co/nEAMRJLzYL

  18. 2:02 am

    Who Is Ready for Asuka?

    Asuka is in the ring after the break for an interview. Kayla brings up all the attention on the Raw women's title and asks if Asuka feels lost in the shuffle. Asuka says she is ready for a new challenge. Mandy Rose's music hits and she comes out with Sonya Deville.

    WWE @WWE

    #SDLive #WomensChampion @WWEAsuka is here, and we've got an exclusive interview with the champ coming up NEXT! https://t.co/pE3vamaBVm

  19. 1:53 am

    WWE @WWE

    The Bar... Meet #JohnnyWrestling! #SDLive @JohnnyGargano https://t.co/mjbRGeEVC1

  20. 1:53 am

    The Bar vs. DIY Part 2

    Cesaro has Ciampa in a headlock when we return. Tommaso hits a jawbreaker to escape, but he jumps off the middle turnbuckle right into an uppercut. Sheamus comes in and knocks Gargano off of the apron to prevent a tag. The Celtic Warrior sets up for a super White Noise, but Ciampa counters with a few elbows to the face. He hits a sunset flip powerbomb and Sheamus lands right on Ciampa's knee. Both men make the tag and Gargano takes control. Johnny Wrestling spikes him with a DDT for a close two count. He locks Cesaro in the Gargano Escape but the Swiss Superman powers out of it. He tags Sheamus and they hit a double team for a two count. Johnny nails a superkick for a two count. Ciampa tags himself in and rolls up Cesaro for the pin and the win.

    WWE Universe @WWEUniverse

    Welcome to #SDLive, @JohnnyGargano. We have fun here. https://t.co/hBeOiaoVRz

  21. 1:44 am

    The Bar vs. DIY Part 1

    Sheamus and Ciampa start for their teams. The Celtic Warrior backs him to the corner and Tommaso pie-faces him. Sheamus makes him pay with a couple stiff strikes, but Ciampa responds with a few knees to send Sheamus out of the ring to regroup. Cesaro and Gargano both tag in. Cesaro plants him with a slam and applies a wristlock. Johnny Wrestling hits a headscissor takedown, but Cesaro pops up and hits a huge uppercut. Sheamus gets the tag and stomps Gargano in the chest. Ciampa tags himself in and takes out both opponents. Cesaro catches Ciampa jumping off the apron and hits a backbreaker as we head to a break.

    WWE @WWEIndia

    WHAT AN ENTRANCE! From 1️⃣ to 1️⃣0️⃣, rate the entrance of #TheBar? @WWECesaro @WWESheamus #SDLive https://t.co/TMXgI2WMTF

  22. 1:35 am

    TDE Wrestling @totaldivaseps


  23. 1:33 am

    WWE @WWE

    "We are the future." 💯@JohnnyGargano @ProjectCiampa #SDLive https://t.co/Cmhs64qGnV

  24. 1:30 am

    Andrade vs. Aleister Black Part 2

    We return as Black begins building up a head of steam with a string of kicks. Andrade dumps him over the top rope to the floor to halt his momentum. Aleister blocks the Hammerlock DDT and hits a Meteora from the middle turnbuckle. He gets a two count with a German suplex while Zelina Vega yells at her client. Cien sends him into the turnbuckle with a hip toss and hits the running double knee for a near fall. Aleister hits Black Mass and scores the pin. Fun match.

    WWE Southeast Asia @WWESEAsia

    Are you watching #SDLive? You better be.@AndradeCienWWE is taking on @WWEAleister RIGHT NOW! https://t.co/3A6yp9DZs9

  25. 1:25 am

    Tom Clark トムクラーク @tomclarkwrites

    To the New Orleans crowd in attendance for SmackDown Live: I think I speak for all of us when I say that we love you. Very much. #SDLive

  26. 1:23 am

    Andrade vs. Aleister Black Part 1

    The crowd chants NXT as they circle each other before locking up. Andrade goes for a wristlock and Black takes him down. Andrade barely ducks the Black Mass kick. Aleister takes a hard shot to the chest that knocks him down. Cien hits a running knee for a quick two count. We head to a break after Andrade is sent out of the ring.

    WWE Southeast Asia @WWESEAsia

    Who will #FadeToBlxck?@WWEAleister is up NEXT on #SDLive! https://t.co/MdBhvZsmJR

  27. 1:17 am

    Sam Roberts @notsam

    Aleister v Andrade just because it’s Tuesday. #SDLive is the best.

  28. 1:13 am

    Heel Turn Delayed📅

    Shane gets upset that they are mocking The Miz, so he books the rematch for Fastlane in Miz's hometown of Cleveland. It looks like we will have to wait for Fastlane for The Miz or Shane to turn on the other.

    WWE @WWEIndia

    “They want it... I want it... You know you want it... REMATCH!” - @mikethemiz to @shanemcmahon. #SDLive https://t.co/CyATA88YLw

  29. 1:11 am

    Someone Throw a Punch Already

    The Miz reflects on his time with Shane as a partner and how it led to his father finally being proud of him. He wants a rematch with Shane as his partner, but before McMahon can respond, The Usos come out to interrupt. They say Miz doesn't really want a rematch and call him a joke.

    WWE @WWEIndia

    Here comes the 💲 @shanemcmahon💲 to kick-off #SDLive https://t.co/sOrBBlpEWc

  30. 1:06 am

    An A-List Apology...or Is It?

    While Shane heads to the ring, a video plays showing how Kofi Kingston came up short at Elimination Chamber. As McMahon talks about tonight's show, The Miz interrupts and says he has something to get off of his chest. He takes the blame for losing the titles last night and says he knows he let Shane down. He says the way they feel about their dads is what makes them similar.

    WWE Universe @WWEUniverse

    A man of the people.Here comes the MONEEEY! @shanemcmahon #SDLive https://t.co/QwPYZ0gjNv

  31. 1:00 am

    We Are Live 📺

    SmackDown opens live in the arena and Shane McMahon makes his way to the ring.

    TDE Wrestling @totaldivaseps

    Tonight: A challenge and an apology. #SDLive This message has been brought to you by Friends of Daniel Bryan & Erick Rowan 2020: Vote for Bryan, he's a darn nice fellow! https://t.co/BDPD1cZ1yY

  32. February 19, 2019
  33. 9:36 pm

    Tuesday's Lineup

    Daniel Bryan's Fastlane opponent revealed.Charlotte responds after being attacked by Becky Lynch.The Miz will apologize to Shane McMahon.More buildup for Fastlane.

    WWE @WWE

    EXCLUSIVE: Every WWE Superstar in the #RAW and #SDLive locker rooms better take notice of @WWEAleister! https://t.co/cu6QbT5vMP

WWE SmackDown: Live Updates, Results and Reaction for February 19 (2024)
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