WWE SmackDown Results – 2/19/21 (Last show before Elimination Chamber, Edge to appear) - WWE News, WWE Results, AEW News, AEW Results (2024)

WWE SmackDown Results – 2/19/21 (Last show before Elimination Chamber, Edge to appear) - WWE News, WWE Results, AEW News, AEW Results (1)
WWE Friday Night SmackDown Results
February 19, 2021
St. Petersburg, Florida (Tropicana Field)
Commentary: Michael Cole and Corey Graves
Results by: Roy Nemer of Wrestleview.com

WWE SmackDown kicks off with Royal Rumble winner Edge. He makes his way down to the ring and cuts a promo about how Roman Reigns will defend his WWE Universal Championship at the Elimination Chamber against which ever superstar will survive the Chamber. As he’s talking, Roman’s music hits and out he comes.

Roman along with Paul Heyman and Jey Uso get in the ring. Roman tells him Edge can pick a main eventer or he can pick the main event for WrestleMania. Edge tells him last week, Roman said he looked in Edge’s eyes and saw fear. But what he saw wasn’t fear, it was someone playing him. Edge says he can’t acknowledge him as the main event. A few weeks ago, he saw Roman lose his cool. That confirmed to him that he needs Edge to be in the main event of WrestleMania.

Edge says he looks at Roman and sees he is insecure. He says Roman is in his prime, a generational talent, he respects Roman and his family. But he got too much too soon, he is cracking under the pressure and that is pressure he hasn’t even put on him yet. Edge asks him if he wants him to put that pressure on him and to check his ego. Edge asks why he’s not answering him.

Out comes Sami Zayn. Sami says this is amazing as it’s one thing to be disrespected every week by WWE management but to be disrespected by Edge and Roman, that is something else. Sami tells Edge that he acts as if it’s a forgone conclusion that Roman will be champion at WrestleMania. And Roman doesn’t see the threat in front of him. Sami says WWE management didn’t want him in the Chamber match but he fought his way in and that should worry them both.

Sami says once upon a time, he was the ultimate opportunist. But he is a master at strategy and that should worry him. And Roman is looking at the Champion of the people. He points at the WrestleMania sign and says Sami is going to WrestleMania. As he’s talking, Jey hits him with the superkick.

Heyman takes the Championship from Roman as Roman puts his hands behind his back and whispers into Edge’s ear. Roman backs away as he, Heyman and Jey leave the ring.

WWE Intercontinental Champion Big E makes his way down to the ring.

Two of the best talkers in WWE start SmackDown. Edge and Roman Reigns just killed it out there. They're making this clear that it's the two of them at WrestleMania and the build up has the potential to be great. #SmackDown

— Wrestleview.com (@wrestleview) February 20, 2021

-Commercial Break-

Big E is on commentary eating a microwaveable dinner with his feet in a massage machine and a blanket on top.

Kayla is backstage with Apollo. He says Big E told him to go out and get what he wants and when he did that last week, Big E told him to go to catering. Apollo mentions how his ancestors were Nigerian royalty and if Big E would have spoken to them the way he spoke to him last week, he would have lost his tongue. He tells her that Big E is intimidated by him as he leaves for the ring.

Shinsuke Nakamura vs. Apollo Crews

The bell rings and we are under way. A knee to the midsection by Nakamura. He sends Apollo to the ropes but Crews with a drop kick and Nakamura to the outside. A baseball slide onto Nakamrua and Nakamura slams into Big E’s snack tray. Crews to the outside as he throws Nakamura into Big E.

-Commercial Break-

Back from commercial, Nakamura with a kick to the head followed by a drop kick. Nakamura with several kicks onto Apollo. He places Apollo in between the ropes and hits him with a release German suplex. Nakamura stomps on him. He runs to the ropes but Apollo with a spinebuster. He goes for the cover but Nakamura kicks out.

Apollo goes for the military press but Nakamura gets on his feet and rolls Apollo up and gets the pin.

Winner: Shinsuke Nakamura

Crews attacks Nakamura from behind and throws him to the outside. He throws Nakamura into the barricade and approaches Big E. Both men are face to face. Crews grab the steps as Big E tells him to throw them down and walk away. He tells Apollo they are over. Crews drops the ring steps as Big E goes to check on Nakamura.

Apollo grabs the ring steps and hits Big E from behind. He throws Nakamura over the barricade and tells Big E it’s over when he says it’s over. He throws Big E in the ring and grabs the ring steps. Apollo is about to hit Big E with the ring steps as the referee breaks it up and Big E rolls to the outside. The referee tells him to put the ring steps down. Apollo tells the referee he will put the steps down as he throws the ring steps to the outside and they apparently hit Big E. WWE officials run to the outside to check on him.

They are trying to push Apollo Crews yet he loses 4 matches, all clean too. Nakamura gets the win and while I hope it will lead to something, it probably won't. My guess is Apollo vs. Big E at the Elimination Chamber and with Big E injured, Apollo wins. #SmackDown

— Wrestleview.com (@wrestleview) February 20, 2021

-Commercial Break-

Back from commercial, Big E is taken out on a stretcher.

Out comes Seth Rollins. He says what happened to Big E was a tragedy. Being betrayed by your friends is a tragedy. And that’s what happened to him last week. They all turned their backs on him and walked away and that is a tragedy. He says he understands Big E’s pain and if you don’t believe him, here’s the footage. We see a clip from last week where Rollins was in the ring and the WWE superstars were surrounding the ring and left midway into Seth’s speech.

Rollins says that’s emotional trauma. He is still suffering and it’s unacceptable at the work place and anywhere else. He says he had to do something about it. He and his lawyers drafted a letter, a formal complaint that has been delivered to WWE officials. He says legal action is pending but they will win. He says the reason he did it is because as he stated in his letter, months and months went into planning his big moment. His return to SmackDown and it was ruined by a bunch of losers. A bunch of cowards who ruined it because they are afraid. They want to divide them and they’re afraid because there’s already millions of them out there who have already embraced the vision for a better tomorrow, a better SmackDown.

Seth says they will win because they are strong and powerful. And the biggest loser is Cesaro because he took their moment, their homecoming and he made it about himself. He disrespected them, he patronized them, he stayed behind when everyone left just to look him in the eyes and disrespect him. And what happened to Cesaro is not his fault. It’s Cesaro’s fault. And that’s what will happen to anyone who stands in their way. Because they are strong, they are powerful, they are winners. Seth says to embrace the vision.

Kevin Owens is backstage and in comes Edge. He tells Owens that they are alike. They get knocked down but get back up. Owens says thanks and Edge would understand him because the past year Edge must have been obsessing over his comeback. And the last two months have been hell for him, he’s come close to being champion. And all he wants is to win the Chamber, beat Roman and have that title. Edge wishes him good luck and says it would be good to face him at WrestleMania.

Sonya DeVille along with Adam Pearce and WWE officials are bringing Big E into the ambulance.

That Seth promo was not bad but I can't get into this cult character. At all. #SmackDown

— Wrestleview.com (@wrestleview) February 20, 2021

-Commercial Break-

The Riott Squad vs. Natalya and Tamina

The bell rings and we are under way. Tamina knocks Ruby down. Ruby gets up and right hands onto Tamina but a right hand by Tamina knocks Ruby down. She tags Liv into the match. Liv with right hands but Tamina picks Liv up as Liv lands on her feet. Liv jumps off the second rope but Tamina knocks her down. Natalya is tagged in.

Natalya slams Liv into the corner. Right hands by Natalya but Liv knocks her down and tags Ruby into the match. They double team Natalya. Ruby with right hands and a snap mare. Ruby runs to the ropes and Liv is tagged in as they double team Natalya. Liv goes for the cover but Natalya kicks out.

Out comes Billie Kay down to the ring. Ruby is tagged in. Billie is about to get on the ring apron which distracts Ruby as Natalya goes for the roll up cover but Ruby kicks out. Tamina is tagged in. She runs and knocks Liv down off the apron. She slams Ruby down onto the mat. She goes for the cover and gets the pin.

Winners: Tamina and Natalya

Billie Kay gets in the ring after the match starts celebrating as Tamina super kicks her down.

Edge is backstage and in comes Corbin. He tells Edge that this feels like a WrestleMania main event. He tells Edge that he made his name on SmackDown but now it’s his show. The next time you see someone wearing a $10,000 suit and a $34,000 time piece, you bow down. Edge tells him he has a time piece as he takes out his cellular phone. He tells him the time and says it even takes pictures.

-Commercial Break-

Ding Dong Hello with Bayley

She welcomes everyone to the second episode of Ding Dong Hello as she welcomes Nia Jax and Shayna Baszler to the show. They are both standing behind the door. She welcomes them both and they can’t fit through the door at the same time.

Bayley sits on the couch and leaves them only one chair. She thanks them for coming to the show. Nia says they are glad she isn’t mad that they took the belts off her. Bayley says she’s not mad, she got rid of Sasha and got her own show. She says there’s a rumor that she might be taking Ellen’s job. Nia says the best thing she did was get rid of Sasha.

Shayna says Bianca is just as bad. There’s no way Bianca is stronger or tougher than them. Nia says Bianca is bad but Sasha is worse, she calls herself the box but they won’t take orders from her.

Out comes Reginald who says he can’t let them slander the good name Sasha. He says Sasha is like a good bottle of champagne, timeless. Where as they are weak and disposable. He gets in the ring as Bayley tells him to go through the door. Nia gets in Reginald’s face. He says if Sasha decided to team with Bianca, they would be former Champions.

Out comes Sasha Banks. She gets in the ring as Bayley tells her to use the door. Sasha grabs the microphone from Reginald and tells him he never speaks for her. And for Nia and Shayna, she is the boss and she makes the rules. She says Bianca will choose to face her at WrestleMania because the women’s division revolves around her. Out comes Bianca to the ring.

Bianca tells Reginald that she is no one’s sidekick or anything. She tells Sasha her winning the Royal Rumble says that the EST is the star of this division. And people don’t revolve around her, they get beat by her. Reginald says they are on the same team, they shouldn’t be fighting with each other, they should be fighting them. Reginald says they should team and fight Nia, Shayna and Bayley. Nia asks for a referee and tells Reginald that she wants to beat him up.

Reginald is in that infatuation phase when it comes to Sasha Banks. And again no Carmella, who, you know, he sides with but for some reason he's with Sasha. Bayley is much more enjoyable in this role and not the Karen role. #SmackDown

— Wrestleview.com (@wrestleview) February 20, 2021

Entering the Elimination Chamber weekend like this https://t.co/DfbfGbdIwT

— Wrestleview.com (@wrestleview) February 20, 2021

-Commercial Break-

Reginald, Sasha Banks and Bianca Belair vs. Nia Jax, Shayna Baszler and Bayley

The bell rings and we are under way. Bianca and Shayna in the ring. A waistl ock take down by Bianca as she knocks down Shayna. Sasha is tagged in as they double team Shayna. Reginald flips into the ring and tries to high five them but they tell him to get back on the ring apron. Nia is tagged in and she runs through Sasha. Bayley is tagged in as she throws Sasha down.

Bayley not wearing boots as she is wearing socks and Shayna is tagged in. Shayna goes after Sasha’s knee. Nia is tagged in and they double team Sasha. She gets Sasha in the corner and goes for a big splash but Sasha moves out of the way. Sasha with a kick takes Nia down. Bayley slides in and trips Bianca down as Sasha throws her to the outside. Reginald is tagged in. He and Nia tie up as she pushes him down.

He runs towards Nia but she shoulder blocks him down. He tries a drop toe hold but Nia doesn’t move. She throws Reginald in the corner. She goes for a big splash but he acrobatically moves out of the way. He runs to the ropes but Nia slams him down. She goes for a leg drop but Reginald moves out of the way. She goes to tag Shayna but Sasha and Bianca attack Shayna off the ring apron.

Reginald goes for a cross boduy but Nia catches him. She turns around and a double dropkick by Sasha and Bianca. He falls onto Nia and goes for the cover and gets the pin.

Winners: Reginald, Sasha Banks and Bianca Belair

Kayla is backstage with Cesaro. She asks him about Seth’s comments. Cesaro says he heard what Seth said and he was out there respecting Seth. He was hoping for a new Seth, he knows his potential and accomplishments. They were all hoping Seth would come back as that guy, as the leader. Instead he came back as the same smug, condescending guy that left. And that’s why they left ringside and he will get even with Seth.

Cesaro says he has to keep his momentum going into the main event and the Elimination Chamber. In comes Edge who says he doesn’t know what has gotten into him lately and Cesaro has the grit. Cesaro says he won’t forget it and after his wins at the Elimination Chamber, he will see him in the main event of WrestleMania.

Reginald pins Nia and for the second week in a row, the Women's Tag Team Champions get humiliated. I don't even know what to make of this but I said last week, they'll get Sasha and Bianca to team up and they did it this week. #SmackDown

— Wrestleview.com (@wrestleview) February 20, 2021

Rey Mysterio getting a piggy back on Dominik's back reminds me of when I'd play Super Mario and have Mario on top of Yoshi. #SmackDown

— Wrestleview.com (@wrestleview) February 20, 2021

-Commercial Break-

Rey and Dominik Mysterio vs. Otis and Chad Gable

Dolph Ziggler and Robert Roode are on commentary. The bell rings and we are under way. A take down by Gable onto Dominik but Dominik gets out of it and a drop kick takes Gable down. Otis is tagged in. He runs through Dominik. Rey is tagged in as he jumps off the top rope and a senton takes Otis down. He goes for a cross body but Otis catches him and slams him into the mat. A big splash takes Rey down. Gable gets in the ring and instructs Otis do another big splash. The referee tells Gable to leave the ring but doesn’t and the referee calls for the bell.

Winners: By disqualification, Rey and Dominik Mysterio

Otis gets on the second rope and a big splash onto Rey.

Daniel Bryan is backstage and in comes Edge who thanks him. He says Bryan fought to get his career back and that made him think that he could get his back. Bryan says he knows Edge has a big decision coming up. If he wins the Chamber match and beats Roman, he wants Edge to choose him for WrestleMania. Edge says some might call it a dream match as Bryan says some might call it long overdue.

I guess they are trying to turn Gable and Otis heel. It's worth a shot but once more, they lose a match. At one point, they have to win. But that was some splash onto Rey. #SmackDown

— Wrestleview.com (@wrestleview) February 20, 2021

Me to myself when Otis crushed Rey. #SmackDown pic.twitter.com/c9z4KshlHs

— Wrestleview.com (@wrestleview) February 20, 2021

-Commercial Break-

Back from commercial, Rey is being attended to by his son and WWE officials at ringside.

Cesaro and Bryan are backstage and in comes Kevin. He asks if they want to talk strategy. Bryan said they were just talking about what happens if they get hit with the stunner in the match. Cesaro says Kevin would never turn on a partner. Kevin says he gets it but they don’t have to worry about that tonight because they are a team. And he wants to win this match. They don’t have to worry about a stunner tonight but Sunday they should.

Carmella is backstage and in comes Reginald with a glass of wine. She asks Reginald where he was just now. He says he had to make sure the wine was the perfect temperature. She tells him they are playing games now. She says she saw him out there now. He says all he was trying to do was but Carmella shushes him. She says she’s not mad, she knows he will do the right thing. Because if he doesn’t, well, let’s hope it doesn’t get to that.

She takes a sip of wine and spits it. She throws it in Reginald’s face and says to get her a new glass.

It’s announced that Shayna Baszler and Nia Jax will defend their Women’s Tag Team Championships vs. Bianca Belair and Sasha Banks at Elimination Chamber.

-Commercial Break-

Jey Uso, Sami Zayn and Baron Corbin vs. Kevin Owens, Daniel Bryan and Cesaro

Edge is on commentary as the bell rings and we are under way. Jey with right hands on Bryan but Bryan throws him in the corner and kicks onto Uso. He tags Cesaro into the ring as they double team him. Jey makes it to his corner and Corbin is tagged in. Corbing goes for a test of strength but backs away and tags Sami into the match. Cesaro grabs Sami and Bryan is tagged in as they double team Sami.

Bryan with an uppercut. He sends Sami to the ropes but both men collide. Sami with knees to the midsection and Corbin is tagged in. Right hands by Corbin and Sami is tagged in. Sami and Corbn both argue in the ring an Cesaro is tagged in. He cleans house. An uppercut on Sami followed by another and another and another. Sami rolls to the outside. Sami, Jey and Corbin argue on the outside as they throw Sami into the ring.

Cesaro swings Sami around the ring and hits him with the slingshot. Corbin is tagged in as he tries to spin him and does spin him as both men fall.

-Commercial Break-

Back from commercial, Cesaro swings Corbin around. He goes for the sharpshooter but Corbin gets out of it and Jey is tagged in. Jey grabs Cesaro and he’s thrown to the outside. Jey throws Corbin over the announce table. Sami is tagged in and they double team Cesaro in the corner. Right hands by Sami and Corbin is tagged in.

Paul Heyman is on commentary. Corbin with a knee to the midsection as he slams Cesaro into the turnbuckle. Jey is tagged in and they double team Cesaro in the corner. Jey goes for the cover but Cesaro kicks out. Corbin is tagged in and a right hand onto Cesaro. Corbin goes for a big splash but Cesaro moves out of the way and a corkscrew uppercut by Cesaro. Bryan is tagged in and as is Sami. Right hands by Bryan followed by a clothesline. Bryan with the double knees in the corner.

Bryan gets Sami on the top rope and a hurricanrana off the top rope. He goes for the cover but Jey breaks it up. Kevin Owens throws Jey to the outside and a cannonball off the ring apron onto Jey. Back in the corner, Sami with the blue thunder bomb. He goes for the cover but Cesaro breaks it up. In comes Corbin who throws Cesaro to the outside. Owens with a superkick on Corbin on the outside. Sami on the top rope and Bryan with an underhook suplex off the top rope and into the Yes Lock as Sami taps out.

Winners: Daniel Bryan, Kevin Owens and Cesaro

Bryan is celebrating in the ring as Corbin hits him with End of Days. Owens with the Stunner on Corbin. The Exploder by Sami on Owens. Cesaro with the Uppercut on Owens. Jey with the Superkick on Cesasro. Edge with the Spear on Jey Uso. Roman with the Spear on Edge.

Cesaro put in work in that main event, the guy is a stud. A fun match for what it was. Predictable ending with everyone getting their finishers and Roman Reigns getting the last laugh. This Elimination Chamber match can go either way, anyone can win. #SmackDown

— Wrestleview.com (@wrestleview) February 20, 2021

Very much enjoyed SmackDown tonight. A solid one with a good opening promo, some storylines advancing and just no segment where you can look at and say that was bad. #SmackDown

— Wrestleview.com (@wrestleview) February 20, 2021

What did you think of the 2/19 #SmackDown?

— Wrestleview.com (@wrestleview) February 20, 2021

Be sure to join Roy Nemer for another edition of Wrestleview SmackDown Post-Show tonight on YouTube.

WWE SmackDown Results – 2/19/21 (Last show before Elimination Chamber, Edge to appear) - WWE News, WWE Results, AEW News, AEW Results (2024)
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