Our avatars are posting on a forum thread. (2024)

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  • Forum Games

Ahh, console video games (or vidcons as I call them). the ultimate medium of expression, able to convey any emotion ranging from hatred to love, loyalty to fear, all in front of our eyes. Ah, and with lovingly crafted art, music, and the ability to control the action, vidcons are the ultimate combination of the high arts. While I tend to play the stoic, I will be the first to admit that vidcons haven driven me to cry, to scream and shout, to feel actual hate; such is the power of this force beyond our wildest reckoning. And here I am, before you, to temp your tongues with the taint of such a tantalizing topic.

And the Japanese, the true geniuses behind the world of video games. Pah, I throw my scorn upon such incompetents of the West who would mock the true art of the Japanese with 'games' such as Baldur's Gate and Madden. Perhaps it is that the West is not as intelligent as the East, but this is a matter for another day. Japan has given us such masterpieces as the Final Fantasy series, Star Ocean, Wild Arms, and of course, Arc the Lad. Yes, some of the finest vidcons in the world were created by Japanese. I come to you today to ask you in all earnesty, what is your favorite vidcon? I will reveal mine after the grand debate has illustriously begun, but not before the first poster falls victim to my plot of discussion.

In other words, this is a thread on an imaginary forum our avatars frequent. The topic can fluctuate, and its mostly just general discussion.

Earphone-Jack Treasure Hunter from Noneya, Buisness (The New Person) Relationship Status: Armed with the Power of Love

Treasure Hunter

#93976: Jun 27th 2024 at 3:07:13 PM

[1] [2] nice to meetcha Epsilon. name’s Scarlet. ^^ your math magic seems really cool, if i’m being honest.

…if it’s ok with you, could you help me with something?

I feel you there girl. I’m hoping I can get mine soon since I finally came out recently, but I just gotta be patient. Just not in a position where that’s possible rn. :(

[3] i know, right?! they’ll just keep pestering you over and over, “do you wanna battle?” no, I said i’m not interested, leave me alone!

…sorry if that was a bit too much.

For anyone caught up with it, this is before Pokémon Adventures: Scarlet & Violet Chapter 6. ^^

“If silence is making you angry, you’re the problem.” - Kyoka Jiro, MHA

J99908 Science Nerd from Engineering Since: Jun, 2023 Relationship Status: Healthy, deeply-felt respect for this here Shotgun

Science Nerd

#93977: Jun 27th 2024 at 3:11:09 PM

Our avatars are posting on a forum thread. (6)

Hey, I personally love me a good fight. Gets the blood pumpin’.

Our avatars are posting on a forum thread. (7)

Wait, math magic? How does that work?

“I’m living proof that humanity is greater than our biology.”

MkayRose Tama Toons Super S: Solar System Dream Cycle from Argent D'Nur Since: Jun, 2018 Relationship Status: Married to the music

Tama Toons Super S: Solar System Dream Cycle

#93978: Jun 27th 2024 at 3:25:03 PM

Our avatars are posting on a forum thread. (9) I'll admit some tough action does help me get out the energy flowing inside me too when needed.

Our avatars are posting on a forum thread. (10) For me, I feel like finding things to bring happiness to me and others help me feel excited! aroo.

Our avatars are posting on a forum thread. (11) Math magic sounds like a pretty intriguing concept, I wonder if it'll make it more fun than it already is?

Meet the Tamas!Spring of the drowned tunes.

pizzastropes180 Who Denies All from a house Since: Jun, 2022 Relationship Status: Non-Canon

Who Denies All

#93979: Jun 27th 2024 at 3:44:58 PM

>math rots my brain-

erm, what the sigma?

MkayRose Tama Toons Super S: Solar System Dream Cycle from Argent D'Nur Since: Jun, 2018 Relationship Status: Married to the music

Tama Toons Super S: Solar System Dream Cycle

#93980: Jun 27th 2024 at 3:55:20 PM

Our avatars are posting on a forum thread. (14) Heh, I knew that was coming from someone eventually. It ain't for everyone but you got to learn some of it.

Our avatars are posting on a forum thread. (15) Hehe oui chérie, I don't mind math myself but I always thought algebra and calculous a little bit exhausting.

Edited by MkayRose on Jun 27th 2024 at 6:58:09 AM

Meet the Tamas!Spring of the drowned tunes.

pizzastropes180 Who Denies All from a house Since: Jun, 2022 Relationship Status: Non-Canon

Who Denies All

#93981: Jun 27th 2024 at 3:58:58 PM

>yeah i can do things like one plus one is two but i would honest-2-god rather set myself on fire than try to do the advanced sh*t

erm, what the sigma?

MkayRose Tama Toons Super S: Solar System Dream Cycle from Argent D'Nur Since: Jun, 2018 Relationship Status: Married to the music

Tama Toons Super S: Solar System Dream Cycle

#93982: Jun 27th 2024 at 4:15:42 PM

Our avatars are posting on a forum thread. (18) I would say that's a bit rather extreme but I can fully understand why some people do have such an aversion towards advanced mathematics, haha.

Our avatars are posting on a forum thread. (19) Yes sis, they can be quite headache inducing depending on the problem. Thankfully, it's not something you'll have to solve a lot outside of school.

Edited by MkayRose on Jun 27th 2024 at 7:22:03 AM

Meet the Tamas!Spring of the drowned tunes.

completelynormal there is no reason to doubt my normalness from a lab on an island (Troper in training) Relationship Status: I'm her lunatic and she's my sociopath

there is no reason to doubt my normalness

#93983: Jun 27th 2024 at 4:59:10 PM

Hm…math…it has been annoyingly difficult since—nope. Classified…s-sorry.

Netino1 MIB Rifleman from The Underground Complex Since: Nov, 2023 Relationship Status: Wishing you were here

MIB Rifleman

#93984: Jun 27th 2024 at 5:42:16 PM

My failures with math were part of the reason I joined my organization. I don't regret it one bit. Who'd win in a fight with a zombie: a mathematician, or a fella with an assault rifle? Come on.

Who knew an M16 was the perfect zombie-killing tool? -MIB Rifleman, after fending off a horde of zombies alone, with just an assault rifle

JustNormalMusicLover Hello Since: Jun, 2022 Relationship Status: Abstaining


#93985: Jun 27th 2024 at 5:51:50 PM

Our avatars are posting on a forum thread. (23)Umm... that one is... that depends on the mathematican's knowledge!

Oh and also it's my birthday.

Everyone's got their unique qualities.

Earphone-Jack Treasure Hunter from Noneya, Buisness (The New Person) Relationship Status: Armed with the Power of Love

Treasure Hunter

#93986: Jun 27th 2024 at 6:05:29 PM

look what i found lol

Galarian’s be like:

Our avatars are posting on a forum thread. (25) gonna send this to my friend in Galar lmao

shhh i know Adventures SWSH and Adventures SV aren’t connected, shhh it doesn’t matter-

Edited by Earphone-Jack on Jun 27th 2024 at 9:06:33 AM

“If silence is making you angry, you’re the problem.” - Kyoka Jiro, MHA

MkayRose Tama Toons Super S: Solar System Dream Cycle from Argent D'Nur Since: Jun, 2018 Relationship Status: Married to the music

Tama Toons Super S: Solar System Dream Cycle

#93987: Jun 27th 2024 at 6:12:06 PM

Our avatars are posting on a forum thread. (27) That'd be impossible in most cases though it be weird to have such an ability, it lead to a lot of oddness if it existed.

Our avatars are posting on a forum thread. (28) True, I don't even think Miraitchi and Clulutchi has something that advanced. It's does like a strange case of delusion.

Edited by MkayRose on Jun 27th 2024 at 9:16:39 AM

Meet the Tamas!Spring of the drowned tunes.

HipsterDog02 Nerdy Chocolate Labradoodle from The Olympic Beach Dog Park, Edmonds WA (Apprentice) Relationship Status: I wanna be your dog

Nerdy Chocolate Labradoodle

#93988: Jun 27th 2024 at 6:19:09 PM

Our avatars are posting on a forum thread. (30) Our avatars are posting on a forum thread. (31)Our avatars are posting on a forum thread. (32)Our avatars are posting on a forum thread. (33) Well, in that case, Creepers and I wish you a very happy birthday!

Our avatars are posting on a forum thread. (34) Well, of course Jeepers, everyone deserves to be happy on their birthdays.

Our avatars are posting on a forum thread. (35) Well, I just missed a whole bunch. Between the overnight trip to the lake, trying and struggling to tune into the new MeTV Toons channel (and accidentally breaking the oldest kid's antenna), working on the crosswicking for a new trope page I just launched, and watching Inside Out 2 last night, ten more pages worth of posts just came up. From what I could gather (before I decided to skip ahead of course), there was a discussion about a toilet in the middle of nowhere, some legendary Pokémon had jut joined the thread, and now we are talking about math I guess. Our avatars are posting on a forum thread. (36)Our avatars are posting on a forum thread. (37)Our avatars are posting on a forum thread. (38)Oh, happy birthday! By the way, the youngest kid in my human family's birthday is coming up in a couple of days too.

Edited by HipsterDog02 on Jun 27th 2024 at 6:20:33 AM

I'm not sure how to add my pawprint to my signature on a keyboard...

Earphone-Jack Treasure Hunter from Noneya, Buisness (The New Person) Relationship Status: Armed with the Power of Love

Treasure Hunter

#93989: Jun 27th 2024 at 6:23:30 PM

[1] oh, happy birthday! :)

“If silence is making you angry, you’re the problem.” - Kyoka Jiro, MHA

MkayRose Tama Toons Super S: Solar System Dream Cycle from Argent D'Nur Since: Jun, 2018 Relationship Status: Married to the music

Tama Toons Super S: Solar System Dream Cycle

#93990: Jun 27th 2024 at 6:26:15 PM

Our avatars are posting on a forum thread. (42) [1] Yeah, happiness is ahways gweat on biwfdays! I wouldn't mind making a speciawuh cake to shaeh!

Our avatars are posting on a forum thread. (44) Don't forget Milktchi, we got a lot planned meals to make and see for next month's eventful days coming soon~

Edited by MkayRose on Jun 27th 2024 at 9:28:11 AM

Meet the Tamas!Spring of the drowned tunes.

HipsterDog02 Nerdy Chocolate Labradoodle from The Olympic Beach Dog Park, Edmonds WA (Apprentice) Relationship Status: I wanna be your dog

Nerdy Chocolate Labradoodle

#93991: Jun 27th 2024 at 6:27:27 PM

Our avatars are posting on a forum thread. (46) Our avatars are posting on a forum thread. (47)What flavor cake?

I'm not sure how to add my pawprint to my signature on a keyboard...

J99908 Science Nerd from Engineering Since: Jun, 2023 Relationship Status: Healthy, deeply-felt respect for this here Shotgun

Science Nerd

#93992: Jun 27th 2024 at 6:30:08 PM

Our avatars are posting on a forum thread. (49)

Happy birthday! Mine’s comin’ up in a few days and I can’t wait to see what’s gonna happen. I’m pretty sure Sol’s plannin’ a surprise!

“I’m living proof that humanity is greater than our biology.”

MkayRose Tama Toons Super S: Solar System Dream Cycle from Argent D'Nur Since: Jun, 2018 Relationship Status: Married to the music

Tama Toons Super S: Solar System Dream Cycle

#93993: Jun 27th 2024 at 6:31:32 PM

Our avatars are posting on a forum thread. (51) [1] Ooh, how bout thwee milk cake (Twès weches)? Dats one of my favowites dough I wike many types!

Our avatars are posting on a forum thread. (53) I'd probably would go with raspberry or dark chocolate cake myself but every cake is quite divine~

Edited by MkayRose on Jun 27th 2024 at 9:37:21 AM

Meet the Tamas!Spring of the drowned tunes.

AlphaBrav0 Optimus Prime (Deceased) from Somewhere on Earth Since: Aug, 2016 Relationship Status: Married to the job

Optimus Prime (Deceased)

#93994: Jun 27th 2024 at 7:15:56 PM

Do not grieve... Soon I will be one with the Matrix... Til all are one...

OOC: I'm leaving for a 7 day cruise on my birthday (June 30) and won't be able to use the internet for the next week or so without paying extra (talking thousands of dollars), so the dead/dying Optimus Prime quote and avatar is to signify that my account is inactive for the time being.

Our avatars are posting on a forum thread. (55) Thanks.

Edited by AlphaBrav0 on Jun 27th 2024 at 9:19:56 AM

Oh he's gone and died again. Botheration. Most inconvenient.

J99908 Science Nerd from Engineering Since: Jun, 2023 Relationship Status: Healthy, deeply-felt respect for this here Shotgun

Science Nerd

#93995: Jun 27th 2024 at 7:17:47 PM

Oh, I feel ya. Have fun and happy birthday!

Edited by J99908 on Jun 27th 2024 at 10:17:55 AM

“I’m living proof that humanity is greater than our biology.”

pizzastropes180 Who Denies All from a house Since: Jun, 2022 Relationship Status: Non-Canon

Who Denies All

#93996: Jun 27th 2024 at 7:56:57 PM

birthdays birthday, have a good one :>

>I should give Samjo a proper introduction one of these days..I continuously bring him up yet noone seems to know who he is.

erm, what the sigma?

HipsterDog02 Nerdy Chocolate Labradoodle from The Olympic Beach Dog Park, Edmonds WA (Apprentice) Relationship Status: I wanna be your dog

Nerdy Chocolate Labradoodle

#93997: Jun 27th 2024 at 8:52:48 PM

Our avatars are posting on a forum thread. (59) Our avatars are posting on a forum thread. (60)Our avatars are posting on a forum thread. (61)Our avatars are posting on a forum thread. (62)Our avatars are posting on a forum thread. (63)Milk cake? I've never heard of that kind before, though it sounds pretty good. Personally, I'll go for anything that doesn't have chocolate in it.

Our avatars are posting on a forum thread. (64) I just don't get it, Jeepers. Why is it that we're able to eat chocolate just fine, but the pet dog can't?

Our avatars are posting on a forum thread. (65) I've been doin' a bit of readin' about it on this wiki. Accordin' to the Sliding Scale of Anthropomorphism, we qualify as Funny Animals. In other words, we are definitely dogs in the same vein as that dog above us, only we many of the same traits that humans have, includin' the ability to eat chocolate without gettin' sick.

Our avatars are posting on a forum thread. (66) Oh, how I envy anthro dogs like you guys. I actually have met anthro animals from my universe as well via the internet, however I have never actually met any of them in person.

Our avatars are posting on a forum thread. (67)Our avatars are posting on a forum thread. (68)Our avatars are posting on a forum thread. (69)OOC: Good luck on your cruise, and happy birthday.

Edited by HipsterDog02 on Jun 27th 2024 at 8:54:41 AM

I'm not sure how to add my pawprint to my signature on a keyboard...

completelynormal there is no reason to doubt my normalness from a lab on an island (Troper in training) Relationship Status: I'm her lunatic and she's my sociopath

there is no reason to doubt my normalness

#93998: Jun 27th 2024 at 9:02:50 PM

Our avatars are posting on a forum thread. (71)…I suppose there’s…something similar to an anthropomorphic cat in my universe. He can talk, he’s immortal, he’s worshipped as a god in inkfish society, and he’s a fat nobody who sits on a pillow all day judging children’s sports—sorry. Got a little out of line there…sorry.

YourEternalTroper Master of the Multiverse (He/Him/His) from Colu Since: Oct, 2015 Relationship Status: Shipping fictional characters

Master of the Multiverse (He/Him/His)

#93999: Jun 27th 2024 at 9:08:46 PM

Our avatars are posting on a forum thread. (73)Ouch. That's a low blow.

Everything that lives is designed to end...

HipsterDog02 Nerdy Chocolate Labradoodle from The Olympic Beach Dog Park, Edmonds WA (Apprentice) Relationship Status: I wanna be your dog

Nerdy Chocolate Labradoodle

#94000: Jun 27th 2024 at 9:15:40 PM

Our avatars are posting on a forum thread. (75) Our avatars are posting on a forum thread. (76)Our avatars are posting on a forum thread. (77)Oh yeah. Judd, right? I recall that Acht briefly mentioned him to me once, shortly after she first came to this thread.

I'm not sure how to add my pawprint to my signature on a keyboard...


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Our avatars are posting on a forum thread. (2024)
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Name: Nathanial Hackett

Birthday: 1997-10-09

Address: Apt. 935 264 Abshire Canyon, South Nerissachester, NM 01800

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Hobby: Listening to music, Shopping, Vacation, Baton twirling, Flower arranging, Blacksmithing, Do it yourself

Introduction: My name is Nathanial Hackett, I am a lovely, curious, smiling, lively, thoughtful, courageous, lively person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.