The Springfield Union from Springfield, Massachusetts (2024)

4. Lad 3. 0 20 THE SPRINGFIELD UNION, SPRINGFIELD. TUESDAY, JULY' 28, 1936 THE Four All-America Star Football Players Are Squad Picked on All UNION'S Mrs. Helen From Wills Moody Competitive Decides Tennis to Withdraw SPORTS Four All-America Players Named to Start Grid Game Jay Berwanger, Riley Smith, l'aul Tangora and Dick Smith Favored by Fans to Face Detroit Lions at Soldier Ficki Sopt.

1 Jul 03 0 38) -Tay 8 r- 0 8 1d Brick 1 01090 11 a and thee 1C 8 tributed 19 3233'0 college gridiron v. ill 9 ho al 0 'o the third All 00? goodlight: Bat sol31018 59 8 9. ca Tho gouge 4 1 18 8: Miloy 1: 1 tinnes 10 gO 00 of Sutre Jo it he 10 spain of erm 390 1 21 Orch, A great, 0 Bill Shakespeare of ro nome, On a Minnesot star, Sheldon E3 ise. named by 003's CH me, of the fro tart the Lions. To back up, 'ho n.

0 sponsor of high tr the to becomne meant re 354 90 4: r9 finished we the Mach mainher (t the prost3 3 storting front 8 Ca Where the tons lo the v9 the f.rat $0 barne of he. serle 4. the nAm; 9 this soar, The re inbers of the coaching to re anther poll, Inust agree to send the 11 in the recor' anting DA to the field for the kick off. Only phys col disability will 1: g0 memb: of the melect ETOUIP out 103 tion. Berwanger, hailed the g- back 1535, pilot up the stagger.

Ang total of votes a Main top honors in the soli. runnina mate. had 4: Riley finith led Seidel ur pour 864,697 to tho great fullback. the starting over of to The ends, SEE 7-00 "Tor Dolle? 753,623 Pom Smith, 38 all- 4: tackle. moved in aith whi's collect 431.

0. Dech, 8 3, led Paul gore All a Co 434.359, doher Nomen, polled 832.855 1 with Renne bohn Mingesre. close nohind 429,972. Al Lin: of estern, else Yinished hand of ho 1 All Amnsrica Darrell Lester of Teras 46 well a no re Lind, a (o join the squad. The all 59 4t 80 each 9113 po ol which finished inters petition with tr.o ent of the SOAson, will retort for the nine worknut At North giA University August Bil? Arena's All- America end.

18 don the list in the wotina brat two s'hera members of the £933 honor leant, Bobby Wilson Southern Methodist, and ny DOn of Were given R. lot 6 oupport ant more Invited to Join the 2 The poor stare: Frank. Loebs, Purdue: sanford; Marty Botre Danu; Retro Ohio Louis Zarza. Michigan Eddie sit. Mary's (California), and Jack California.

Tackles; Bob Reynolds, Stanford: Dick Ptefferie, Noire Dame; ('harles: Wasicob, Colgate: Larry Lutz, fornia: doe Stydahar, Vest Virginia; and Amerine Sarno, L'orlhant. Guards: Jim Karcher, 91:00 0: Dan Fortinann, Colgate: Middlio fires boshi, Illinois: Willis Munger, illinois College, an 8 Flanagar8, A Cross C'ontore: Prate o. Al Lind, Nosthwestern: Darrell I 4 and Wagner Jorgensen, st. Quarterbacks: Seidel, Minno. Wally Fromhart, Notro IN and Stanley Ohio state.

Girorge Min jef 3 Are Lindberg, Illinois; Andy ta; Bobby Wilson, her a neg and Mike Laden, Damo: Bonce Stanford; Alphonso (Tuffy) George Washing. ton; Wally Cruirs, Aorthuestern: John Willam Dick in, Ohio state: A huck he hire, 8'. Jim Lawrence. Chris. Mian, and Bill Renner, Pullbacks: Dick Don Elser, Noire Dame: Bobby Grave pon, Stanford; Chucks Duvall, North.

estran; Don Bruin, P'epper Constable. moll lon Santon, The Standings YESTERDAYS RESULTS try The Associated E're st. is 3 Deedroit Now York 15. goo 8 Other 90 growonds 3 Cincinnati- New Soil. r.

aim a rain others not (Night 0. 419.0 5) Toro mat 9, Albans Roche too rain 4911 1: ASSOCIATION To are dits Indianapolis 1 st. mi 16, c'olumbie c. lie go STANDINGS 5 000000900 6 2 I D. 4 ..0.34 Boston.

11 0.0 1 Washington 00000000 000000000 1'0 A Chicago 1 1 33 6 10 St. Louis 31 62 ooD. D. N.STION 8 T. op st.

Louis 0 Nev tori 000000000 88 Bittsburgh 0000000 00 0 1 3 3 1 00000000 8.0 .506 Onston 11 a 0000 00 .00 30 30 00 $8 I. 0'. 0 0 0000000 0 0 0 0 9 4500. 43 6093 New ordi 4 4. 0.019 Baltimore a 0 4 83 Toronto 3 Montreal 4:0 ED 8940 36 Stracise ed 68 6333 0 GAMES TODAY AMERICAN Sees Fork at Detroit Philadelphia at a hicago Boston Louis 0 B'ashington ant loveland NATIONAL at Brooklyn dine innati Chicago on :0 New Dork Philadelphia (2) not White Sox Buy Veteran Shores CHICAGO, Jogly.

0 Bill Shores, Tot The anajor. league righthander, 19 rurchased tonight as a too bolster the White faltering Hie will report tomorrow. Led freshman relief hurl ha was raargod with 9 no by the taletic to Fo well 44 the setback boy thes WIN la 3 Pa VAS'N 2 City 81 opt: 071. Chicopee J'ally Red 3a A pa ball tea ill play dC: tonight "a 1 lincols. at ml.

Sox 54 An ellent af 91 A 90 30 nine io large crowds. To 0 64. Lake Fri a day Volunt 1, 88 stale Hospital Sunday At Monsoon. 00. July A.

one 91.0 strongest to 4 71:3 in city An 01 1n the Cit3 League, for A home mg for Priday and a3 danios for tha remainder dit 21: 0 A sacko, 20 Syl1.0 410. go da 0458 between 8 A01 1. Higher Education. Farmer Bron Li What did sour son learn college Farmer Val, he hadn't been 6 44 0 09 show 68 me ho to opera boop: with a half -I of Georgia Magazine, L. M.A.

Eliminates Cafe Nine From Orchard League SY. A. Gl co Cafe from Purthog partni, stion tr orcherd Twilight League play by 7 to decision on the Berksh*to Strert grounds la night. This was 9 ho: 0t 09- d' 0 of elimination Fo gio that will take ale place: af fin Ce I 98 0 09891. Stanley 19 070 'lie Nor the to Alot all pitched Your game, although homie rille by Hill of the Cale nine, 00 the bases fillet 118 Innings fro the ra all be ir lies: on.

0 13. 0 Lathe dr el Nigh tins 8, 05011. pitchod fro 8 her a 50 9111 8 fino hate. t-. The ya intro 07 03 110 8.8 st, top tally 1 1: en 1.: the A 113 11.

in 1 elgi eins! it clown j9 fli03 an the 99 Bro 809 1. third 10 t1 (g CD: 9109, The nitro I to 9 ct Ova half GIf they fourt'1 01. 8 8 16 (9 men har! 19 Be dl. Buchanan Pit over second base whirl. 'Pokarshi folded but Thomson 7 cropped his throw 018 0.

force play stoond. 19 hit 8,3 A pitched tall an: Bill Herro9 9.1 dear right fiold for home run. The 'utetowners completed the in their half of they four la, missed Tokarsht'a 8 8 and. Thon pron mingled. tried first Piamblent and ment to third.

Thottig. pora stole 4 and O' prE (vas wild. ragistered. Dora to from second one the wild throw, but WAS nail at tho plate, Witonski smashed out his soca end single and Garrow hit safely to' venter. Slosek walked and Kodak anacked a.

single to right to register Yanks' Dangerous Dark Battalion Best U. S. Bet in Olympic Games NEW -There arg 10 streaks, o2' ranging shade from d'o'fre (D the light brown tone of the Louis, in our track and Held personnel this scar. And much ot the success that Tinelo in the 11th Olympiad pends anon the showing of this crew meet, agile From the 100- no ter sprint on through the 200-. 400- and End races, and in the high and jumps American Negroes ry hopes of victory.

form sheet indicates triumphs for the U. N. in 11 those events, with Jesse On 17 100- and 200-meter races And the broad-jump, Archie Wile in the 100-moter Mat rave, John in the 800 and Corny Johnson and Date All ritton in the high 1amp. Besides, de have these Negroes likes ly to place sin the or somea 19 here among the first four finishers: Halpla Betcalfe. runnerup to Eddie Tolan in the lympie 100-meter and third in the 200, who will run the 100 this time; Black Robinson.

named run with the sprint relay tion: Johnny Brooks in the broadJ'imp: an the hurdles, and Jimmy LuValle in the Delegation Doubles The biz telegation of "dark angels' 9 0 than twice the size of the 1032 aloup of Eddie. 'Tolan, who at double in the sprints; Eddie Gordo of 1 of Iowa. who non the broadjump title at Ins ant failed to make tho team this year; Corny Johnson, who finished fourth jump-off for first place at Angeles, and Metcalte, who seems destined' second to Owens, just did Tolan when Eddie was the master rento r. The rEaSOn for the Negro's great rides 192 the sprints and the jumps? The anthropologists have had their Say about it something about the anatomical this and that which perquits the darli lads to get over the cinders anI the barriers better than white boys can. Now Trainer Artie the noted Of great men, has his eit Artie the Negro's "simpleg plane a life' and the fact that he isn't ardinarily esposed to siration and carousing as the white tio hero is are Fringe factors in F'(D superiority in the sprints and and Muscles iN 03 g.or a ent von lition and there the Negro, who isn't invited to callo 1 Dartios, has it on the white boy 4, 1 4 Artio.

"The Negro JESSE is a gocal athlete because be has to be. 00 And the colored lads are uniformly equipped with lithe, supple You never find a Negro with wrestler's muscles, 'There are no thick necks 6'1 en among the great Negro They have the forin, tho effortless coand the timing too be groAt Why the Negros noto! AS distance runners is a mystery to Artie. have the stamina run log races and a glandular makeup, differfrom and better for pure poses than the white man's-so may- Pitching Brothers Rocknes Pin Hopes of Making River Valley Playoff Berth 011 Jacobsen Boys, John and George: Starred for Ches. ter High Before Going on to Win Laurels in Semipro Circles mous brothers, Jerome (Dizzy) CHESTED, July 6 With the Tao and Paul Daffy) being counted upon to carry the St. Louis Cardinals throush this season's National League Tie nnant and! A place in the World's ries, Chester fans are likewise pine virg their hopes on the Jacobson boys.

John and George, to pilot Rockres through go a play -off in the Westfield liver Valley baseball loop. AIthough comparatively young, la the Quarrytown duo has jointly held pitching responsibilities for the past 20 118. Johnny burning them across for 12 while George has been on the firing line for eight years. In with seniority rights, one will delve into the early exploits Johnny, one of the foreinost chuck6 rs 6 Ver to sport a Chester Johnny re his baptism into the pitching ranks back in 1924 hon a aach Simmons af Chester High was in the market for 8 hurls ar 8 TA 00, JACobson prated 8. budding prospect, possessing the necessary of a moundsman, including control.

good judgment and an of rios, including 8 bafflina slow underhand curve. Under 4 he tutolago d'oach Simmons for jumped into the spotlight by hurling his first and only no-hit no run same, against Williams High in Bouring the same season 1.0 pitched Chester to the chantpionshin of tho Southern Berkshire loop. Among those ho PicA colors for the champion Granitewere Clicky Clark. now of Billy Wilcox, Erie Ahlfors, Red HanniCharles Thornton. Fred Collins, Raymond Dauphin, Olavi Vitta, Andy Mauser.

nOw located 112 Albany, and the Donoghue brothers, Maurice and Thomas. Ilauser served 89 battery mate to Jarobson and this combination proved effective throughout its career. A of 23 strikeouts in one EA 90 records one nY Jarohson's schoolboy accomplishments. 4 Pitched for Town Tean: ('non being graduated from the rytown institution in 1023, the now rotund twirler's services came in mighty handy tee c'hester's town team which was a member of the River- -Valley cite Traming up with Hauser, Jacolson was supported by a well-seasoned squad including Ken Dauphin, Mickey Britchell, Don Besancon, Ray Dauphin, clark, Bill Filio, Elmer Hunt And Tarry Haskins. A few years later Johnny obtained employment At Strathmore and pitched for the Paperwhich then Affiliate with the Triple A loon As the years rolled along, a box -scores showed Jacoha won serving them up for the Westfield Huntington and Rocknes.

Among the up-country league games hiela will linger in the mind of Ches. hurler was a contest against Huntington at Chester. The ace of the Granite town's pitching staff WAg coasting along in fine shape with A lead when his team blew 91 in the sixth frame to its down-river rie vals 10 runs, taking over an 11-7 lead. ITonovor, in half of the sixth, s'hoster's team rallied and with two out and A man O1? second. Jacobson came to bat.

Two counters were needed 40 tie the score, and with sheer determination, Johnny stepped to the plate and cannoned a home run Into right field. He held Huntington at hay 119 seventh inning and in the last of the seventh Ahlfors singled, took third on a hit-and-run play and scored winning run when Norman Phila brooks dropped a neat bunt down the first baseline, When questioned as 16 what players 3000 at Opening Of Grand Circuit On Maine Track Guy' the Tramp Wins Three Straight Heats in 2.16 Trot; McElwyn Abbe Record OLD ORCHARD BEACH. Mes July 37 d. PO- Tho Grand Circuit came to Blaine today with a nine-rate card of close finishes, a track ord equaled, sego rag long -shot winners, 8s :000 paid customers at the rebuilt one-mila "Kite" track here, ya Abba, a black horse owned and driven by Dr. H.

M. Parstiall. Era bana, 0 won the third heat of the 8.21 place in 2.03%. equalling the track snark, 09 Guy The Tramp, 'an l1-year-ol! dou. hle-gaited gelding, won three straight heats 1n the 2.16 Prof, repeating similar victory at Goshen, N.

last Saturdays Guy The Tramp arrived here. by motor barely in time a brief jog before he went to the post. Comrade, twice in the ruck. placed in the ninth to pay backers $98.50. Highland Prince.

driven by his owner, Fred Nielson, Nassau, Nor bai $75.90 for "straight" tickets winning the second heat of the 2.24 trot. Sam Hanover in the first and Lay Hanover in the third paid double play. ers $62.5 The Kite' track here, sole strip of that type in the nation, was reopened this year after 31 years. The Grand Circuit meeting, first ever held in this State, will be featured by the national thre-year-old trot stakes Wednesday, paying $7000 in purse zoney. The heat summaries: EP Poor, Purse Mic Elgyn Abbe, by Mr.

McElwyne Ida Abbe (Parshall) 1 Man Hanover (Pratt) 0-4 Cash Counter (Lion) 4 2 Virginia Hanover Broderick 2 8 5 Also started: Hal Volo, ade, Caluo met Fishes. Skiprydale, Time 2.05%0 2.06%6. 2.08%6. 2.18 Trot, Guy The Tramp, 8 Jerry Trampfast (Crummer) 000000 1 01 1 dear Frisco 60 3 Intruder (Caspar 06 2 Calumet Ready (Denison 3 8 3 Al3 started: Aura, The Titan, Lady Laurel Time 2.06¼. 2.06, 2.06% 9.

P.24 Trot, Purse Highland Prince, by Highland Neilson 'E 1 1 Thomas: 6 c'omrade a Rowed 6 6 5 Far Hanover Friscomite TROT 1 Alar 2 Juniger, Jim. Trogan. Time 2.09%. 3.07. 005 14 Brundage Says Case Is Closed BERTIN.

July 27 -Informed a of reports that Art Jarrett, husband of the hanished swimmer, Holn Jarrett, had threatened legal action against the American Olympic Committee for "defamation of. Brundage, his character," Avery "'The committee case is chairman, closed as commented: fAr the American Olympic Committee is Ofverned. There is nothing further I Call say. Eleanor was delighted at the prospect of her husband's arrival. saying: "That's the best nOW's I hats had.

I knew Art would join me if he possibly could arrange it. I have nothing to say about legal action." Although well aware 16. go is mo chance whatever that she car rejoin the Olympic team, Mrs. Jarrett has investigated the best training facilities and plans swimming workouts in a Berlin pool 8.9 soon as possible. Melton, Southpaw, Goes to Giants BALTIMORE, 'July 05 A Melton, left-handed pitcher.

sold to the New York Giants today by the, Baltimore Oricdos. 1 John waden. manager of the Orioles, also announced What Fuel Moore, pitcher, 34 AS returning the Orioles On ontion from the I'hiladelphia National a lube Melton has won 13 and lost eight 8 3-2 affair, in innings against this seASOn. won his 16th vietcory. Biontreal last Saturday.

He 99 4 8 New Tork Yankees goor Fo short time 1.935. Orden dint not the purchase price but said the Orioles would receive rash and a player. Ace Chester Curvers 3 ROD NE ADV ROCKNE A PI OWENS tor they're just ton lazy to rum anything except dashes." Negro polevaulters and weight heav. TA are scarce, but there seenis 80 have been a Negro named White who WON the 10-prent tost the Kansas Relays carnival a couple a of years However. he halon the locathicon standard lished by Jim Bausch in 1932 and betdo re! 9 nce them toy our current 'allaround sensation, Glenn Morris of Cole But you can't beat the Aying and leaping ebony.

on. our teams in their own favorite events. Churchills, K. of C. Play Saturday HOLYOKE, July 27-An Important City J.eague garne between the Churchill A.

0 winner of the Airsto sound title and strong contender for second round honors, and the Knights of Columbus scheduled for Sunday has been pushed up one day and will be played on the Beech St. grounds Saturday afternoon at 3. of which was defeated Sunday by the Highlands for the time in the second round is still very much in the running for the City League honors and is likely to hand the Ward Sis team plenty of trouble. President Randall Sweeney tonight conferred with Managers Howard Nally of the hills and Ed Moo riarty of the Kaceys and the above date was decided upon. The management change in schedule because of the annual clambake of the council next Sunday.

Manager Howard McNally af the Ward Six trAm du Sweeney at the meeting a revised list of his players for the roinainder of the second round which is as follows: J. Sullivan, l'ut Gooxic, Fitzger. ald, Dowd. If. McNally, A.

Gronort, Farrell, F. Roberts, Shea, V. Jocy, IP. Murphy, Mcl Ald, J. Conway, O'Donnell and C.

Isser. The assignment for Saturday Is Ed. ward Hart, unaire, and Jirn P'adden, scoring. John and George Jacobson, star pitchers of Rockne. baseball club.

C. 44 4. 4. 1 Mrs. Moody Withdraws From Major Tennis Competition, AN (a) Drops Plans for Playing in National Next Month? to Enter Only Tourneys That Do Not Interfere -418 With Work as Designer 9.

SAN FRANCISCO, July 07 Helena Wills Moody stepped out of the ranks of major tennis tournament competitors today shattering hopes of enthusiasts for another niceting hoe tHeon the one time of the and her greatest rival, Helen Hull Jacobs. 6 brief statement by the 31 SPAYS old San Francisco matron announced abandonment of tentative plans 'to play in the national championshirs at For st Hills, N. Ton next month. The seven times American Champion and winner of many all- English crowns emphasized she was "not git a ing 91 But her withdrawal from "big league" competition such as the American and English championships was indicated in the statement: 0 In the future I shall play only in tournaments that fit in well with my work as a designer, which am undertaking in an arnest A 09:. Although Birs.

Moody developed into a great star long before Aliss Jacobs, their court careers ran parallel later. Their rivalry became so intense it loped virtually into a feud. The feeling reached a limax in 1933. Behind in the finals of the national championship, Bra. Moody walked off courts--a chipred vertebra near the base of the spine.

causing hor to default. Her action rough! severe condemna ation from some sources despite her injury. Eighteen months later she wrote the anti-climax in a smashing vindication that sa 4 her defeat Miss Jacobs in the 1935 English championship finals. When Airs. Moody decided to forego defense of her Wimbledon lat gals this wear, sho indicated she would for the national championship.

Sho has practice: regularly for! months. Until her sudden Jovision. it was thought she would lea to this A tentative itinerary of eastern tournaments had been prepare Yor her by Howard Kinsey, local instructor, who said her game was stronger than last year. have decided not to play in the Fast this summer for 99 Bra. Moody said.

is, I do not long: the other is PINT 8 Fry inwant to be away from, home for 50 terested in getting a gool start in the designing work I am doing. and not giving up tennis. 199 the future I shall play only in tournaments that fit in with work. This may seem illogical followers who think of me first as a tennis player, but at is net. because it 18 something that I 1 have definitely pitpared myself for in the art department at the University of California and in study for the last 10 Adams in With Tetreault Paul Adams of Easthaninton and Will Tetreault of Springfield are main match opponents on the Aldenville wrestling program scheduled for tonight at the Aldenville Arena.

The pair are down for a two out of three fall bout with a 60-minute time limit. "Volf Lacroix, South Hadley, meets Charley Henderson. West Springfield, in the semifinal. Two other matches complete the card. In one Jerry Emard, a boxer from Holyoke, will meet Johnny Bakos of South Hadley while ire the opener Timus Fortin, Shorty Davignon, Zen Tetreault and.

Tau Davian will clash in a battle royal. Rocknes and Foster A Nines Meet Tonight CHESTER, July 27-An important River Valley baseball came is on til Tuesday night when the local Rocknes come to grips with Foster Machine af Westfeld. present Icaders of the circuit. Coach Joe Murplay of the quarry town contingent is planning to use the battery of George Jacohson and Bernie Battle this combination having worked Hell against the Machinists during their last session. 4 Ten Foster athletes grill be among the missing, including Lefty Bike Gonzales and H'eto Janis, all of whom are away at camp with Hi Co.

Adolph Jach: inay ho called upon to merse thern un tor Foster with Frank Augustine receivang. The garne will to called at 6.30 Bourque's Stars Box In Crystal Lake Arena Four Th Thompscaville hoy a from Louie Bo irgue's stalle 84 tr seen in action in the amateur boats the Crystal Take Arena tonight, boxing as a. team front the Carnet City. Joe Wolshnas, an campaigner among the will he seen in the semifinal at: 112 pounds and others of Pourque's string competing will 1.0 Toung Ketchel. 152: Young Richard, 142, and Joe Marna, 147.

a fight in Thursday the bouts night at the same Hartford, four where will Bourque'3 boys have hen performing with success all summer. Bourque, a former professional Aghter. PAS formerly matchmaker at Thompsonville. Fisk Tennis Tourney Opens With Three Matches "The Fisk Athletic eresented part of its first annual tennis tourney last night At Tincoln Grove, Chicopee Falls, with A large gallery attending. Beardsoll defeated Gran, -7.

BicCarthy defeated fisher, 6-2. 6-1, and Foley tiefeated Wast, 6--2, 6-4. 'The remalning matches of the tourney are echeduled for the newt three nights at the Grove. The chairman of the tourney 15 J. J.

Krim and Glen Deniels, Boos, and ald Haskins are vice -chairmen. VICTORYA. B. July 27 (AT) Horton Smith, 'professions', defied the windy hazards of the Lake Arst of the $3000 Victoria ogead Play course to post a aubnar 64 in the golf tournament today. Smith put together nine -hole scores of and 39 on the par 48, course.

George Schneiter, voung 0g- den, Utah, grO, slipped into serond place among the early by grating a 69, one ahead of Gene Kunes of Norristown. Pa. Legal Notices LOST PASS BOOK Noting l8 hereby given that application has been made 99 the Springfeld Co-operative Bank Springfield, Masa. for neg pass- book replace pass book No. 13371 issued hv said bank to Marjorie Warr 01 Warr, It beinz claimed that pass book bas been lost or destroyedo What Next! 175-Pound Wrestier Tosse es 502-Pound Black Bear in Novel Bout at Bangor ORONO, July 27 (AT) Taylor, 175-pound gor.

a restler, pinned 502-pound black bear after 13 minutes and seven seconds of a thrilling grapa) pling match in the feature event of 3 wrestling and boxing show here tonight. Taylor, 8 second in hefting, slanwed no fear of the big animal and, coming from behind went under. the bear's forelegs, grabbed it by the hind pinned it with a leap and press. AN Two Dash Marks For Stella Walsh WARSAW, Tuly 27 CAP) -Stella "'alsh equalled the world records for the 50 and 100-meter dashes Anday her last conipetitive appearances in Y'oland before going Go the Olympic games. Miss Walsh-Stanislawa Walasiewicz in Poland- was timed in 6.8 Rey the 50 meters and 11.3 fog the 100.

The record rf 11.6 for the 206. by the American Helen ham not yet been accepted invernationally; Bliss Walsh holds the accepted of 11.8. In the same meet Waiis aka threw the javelin 41.30 meters feet, inches). surpassing the Cympic standard of 143, fret, 4 inches made by Rabe Didrikson. CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING ONE RATE- -POUY CAPERS Daily Newe Union-Republicar: Combined Morning and Evening Circulation Over 123,000 proved poison to him while doing duty, Jacobson replied that Stanley Lazarz, leading swatsmith for Strathmore, and Duffy Clark.

former third packer for the Papermakers, were most dangerous with the willow. As to the best all-around catcher who teamed up with him, Johnny selects Bernie Battles, dean of River- Valley backstoppers. Jacobson married Chester girl. Guida Whitchor, an Are dent sports follower and former wonte en's tennis champion of the Quarrytown. Switching over to one finds that the younger of the Jacobson lads became interested in pitching hile going to grammar school, a his fly through the coaching and guidance of brother John.

In 1030 George became chief hurler for Chester High, which team VAS handled by Waino F. Fillback, presont athletic director at the school. Although not remaine ing in high school very long, Goorge participated in a few well-remembered tussles. During Southorn Berkshire skirmish against Williams, George breezed 16 -hatters, get failed to win as the visitors pushed across runs pair of hits and 16 Ague encounter found young ball, winning the game 2-0. "Another son engaged in a 32 inning affair with the score being 2-0 at the end of the 11th.

Chester's infiel1 collapsed in which the 13th paved A frame, way for creating runsa four errors After dropping out of high achool, George hooked on to the Chester town team' a pitching ataff. Although spring little service, the present ace was content to sit Aside and observe the doings CO of his superiors. In 1933 with the TOo organization Chestor's toam which adonted the name of Rocknes. George had now blossomed into a fair twirler. As the baseball season: A p- proachod; Rocknes wore minus a ball field, the diamond having heen washed away by flood waters.

Anxious to tinue pitching, the blond flipper pledged his allegiance to Chester COC's nine which was A. member of the Westfield River Valley 100 A sucrossful campaign was experienced with the foresters. Through expert advice from Coach Joe Murphy of Rocknes, New En England, young Jacobson develformer recognized hurler throughout oped into An A-1 ball thrower. ITis work was outstanding, including one and two hit games, that there was little difficulty in selecting him, for a pitcher's berth on the All- Star team. Fans will remember George's fine work.

both at bat and on the mound when Rocknes met Foster Machine at Strathmore Park, a neutral fiold. for honor of clashing with Strathmore, first round winners of last spao son. History was made when the phimon pinned a 3-2 defeat on Foster to second half laurels, this being the first time on record that a Chestor team had placed in the play -offs since the league was organized. Jacobson's second blow of the came, a long drive to center field which was dropped by Ensigns let in Bernie Battles with the winning run. A final hitting average of .355 was coined by George last sea son.

Garrett Troy of Stockbridge, proa mater of Troy's Garage baseball nine, followed the doings of George and gave him a tryout this season. George impressed the Berkshire ball magnate and George RAN on Troy's pitching staff until the club disbanded. From present ohsorration. it looks as though he may Again be honored by being placed on the 'mythica! selection Among the Jacobson's royal rooters is their father, John Jacobson. who can be seen at all Rockne games.

STe a Line per Day 3 Gasp) 35c per to 9 Dayi) 230 a Line per Day for Days Situation Wanted advertisem*nt? 15c poP Line Sunday Rate 16c gay Lino) Count six words to 4 line, to lines an inch. Minimum book charge, 60c. Minimum space, two lines. Contract Rates Upro Request, TIMES. For the Morning Papers 7.

da) For the Evening Papers 10 C. No: Advertisem*nts Accepted. at Our Offices 8. 18 FORT 12 HARRISON AVE The Publishers will bet minesible for moron than one Incorrect insertion advertisem*nt dered for more than one time. 'Phone 3-1121 immediatoly, ould (any typographical or othey error occur.

i And He Buchanan missed A throw from Basilo in riglot. Summary A. ah illa, 0 3 ct Tokaraki, Thompson, 3 2 19 it owski, 69 2 a 3 o- 50 Slog. k. If 0 14 1 0 Fo 0 000000080000 0 21 0 119 A 00 Shea, 79 0 0 90 19 and.a 2 Colino 3.20 04 31 73 9011 3 19 Pr 6 911091.

3 3 4 Hasi 9 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 000000000 1. 0 8 1 3 9 Ca: 04 do 00 A 00 Got 00 A 4 A 1 6 8 a 3 911019 000000000 0 09 40 00 00 0 40 8 00 FO 8: 8 189, 6a 19. 1 faceron 18. sor'en 8: double sti to Tokarski 8 0 sloso 9 2, ear: go a 2: AGO ail ski r. hv it slat 10199 0: LP 0199.

103 89 1, by 1. oF, 39 and Dubour. Fiona, 8.30. for 38. O' 8 a SIN nods de toted the Thomp.

ville rio TS. night at Bill. noir and batted the: South lindt tram to victory. a Bi once Hieri N0 baseball will oppose the 8 mon all Thursdas In A spring tinion Chicorte Tuning LORE 5A et Sandy FIllI. The Rh: 9l 918 89 In: 0110 are slated to play 3 Dana Chicogee, ANNOUNCEMENTS mm Business Announcer BEAUTY- WEIGHT REDUCING) LADIES-SLENDERIZE-NORMALIZE DWIGHT BATHS.

106 STATE ST Florists CELERY Late cabbage and plants, Wenke Florist. 9.8 Sancoct, Ct. 1038 Allen St. 3-b 18. Personals commodate 2 pass.

Box 890 Union Of" LEAVING by auto for Chicago, Aug. Lost and Found AND STEEL Casting rad and reel, Do fly rod lost between Wafreshons State Return 0. N. dol a CA nard Reward. EROWN.

Haired Sky Scotti short Sunday afternoon. ward. Tel. 8-136. PULOVA tch al be 3eachs: Finder Peturn.

50 Los Angeles St. Reward, LOST -Wed. July 22, 8 inch of keys 014 broken: key ward. POCKETBOOK Lost vic. lower State, lumbus East (Court or Reward.

2-0219. SMALL, dark grey purse lost, ruth sum Reward. Tel. 6-0463. WHITE pocketbook lost In 3 and 10: 4 on Vernon St.

Return Marie Frevost, 746 Howard Y. W. C. A. AUTOMOBILES Antomobiles For Sale A GOOD PSED 'CAR AT COST LESS AD STERLING ORE'S Memorial Ave.

W. Spring ADAMS! FORD! ADAMS! USED CARS ForA Coach. very good 35 Ford Fordor, choice of 2. 34 Ford Coupe, biack, heater, inm. '33 Ford V-8 heater, radio, new tr '32 Ford V-8 Business coupe 'very 34 Ford Sport Coupe MANY MORE--EASY SERVE GEORGE ADAMS, INC.

Authorized Ford Sales A Service State 8t Open Eves. Tel. HAVE NOT GOT YOURS YET Value plus, Care. Trucke Commercials Tour. 1033 Chev.

Court 1875 DeL. Rida'g. 1033 Choler Vie. Coupe It. 1930 Oakland Coa 1935 Std.

conch 9130 Stude, Sedan ar: Arades. Chad yours while getting is good. AUTOMOBILE SALES CO, 93 Liberry Street Evenings 2111 p. Mo AT CENDEN PROS. Authorized At ay Hales and Servien) 099 Plvmonth Cre '35 Font.

coach 033 Apt. Court '35 Pontiac sedan 36 Nab 4A8 Fora da DE 1034 SOLO: Hudson Brougham. PLY Special at Aid model Plymouths, gome Fords, Jets. Chryslers, $20 up. 0.

BARRETTO INC an State (Open evening PR BEST BARGAINS AT HARRINGTON'S Hudson acd $250, 29 Dodge COUDA TY 33 Hudson cpe 695 31 Chrysler 6 195 33 Ford coupe 95 31 30 Essex sedan 150 Cher. coupe Terra coach Special Terme 125 Liberty St. PhotO 1930 Attractive Packard house sedan, trailer, 10 10 1 $265. 1931 Hudson sedan, 3.

The Springfield Union from Springfield, Massachusetts (2024)
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Author: Barbera Armstrong

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Author information

Name: Barbera Armstrong

Birthday: 1992-09-12

Address: Suite 993 99852 Daugherty Causeway, Ritchiehaven, VT 49630

Phone: +5026838435397

Job: National Engineer

Hobby: Listening to music, Board games, Photography, Ice skating, LARPing, Kite flying, Rugby

Introduction: My name is Barbera Armstrong, I am a lovely, delightful, cooperative, funny, enchanting, vivacious, tender person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.