The Philadelphia Inquirer from Philadelphia, Pennsylvania (2024)

THE PHILADELPHIA INQUIRER, THURSDAY MORNING OCTOBER SO, BROAD BUSINESS IN CURB MARKET TROUSERS, CLOTH. AUTO STOLEN IN HATFIELD RAID 3flc: weighing pounds, 31a33c: smaller Bizes. 26a25V; old roosters, dry -picked. 24c: broilers, Jersey, ice-packed, 40a48c: do other nearby, ice-packed, choice, 36a3Sc; do do do, ordlnu-ry to good, SOaSSc: Western, ice-packed, weighing 1 Wa'2 pounds apiece H5 36e: roasting: chickens West, ice-packed, weighing 4 pounds and over, apiece, 22a33c; eieeptional lots higher; weighing 3 pounds apiece, 30c; chickens. Western, ice-packed, weighing 2la3 pounds apiece, 25a28c; Western milk-fed chickens.

12 to box, 17 pounds and under per doT.en. per pound, 43a4Sc; 18 to 2-4 pounds to dozen, per pound. 42a43c: 25 80. Relatives and friends are invited to attend funeral. I.

from the refi-deure of lier sun. Frederick W. Suednker. Camden pike, near Rurlintttnn. K.

J. In-Odd Fellows' eni. I riend ron.v call at her late residence. 136 Grant Camden. r'n.

eveniiiK. -Oct. 2ft. MARIE widow of Frederick Khelble. Relatives and frtendn. Council. No. 13. D. of star of Hope fonn-cil.

No. 5, S. of Alberta Mahrer. Home No. II.

R. of Invited lo funeral ofnlrri, 1.30 M. son in law M. Linn, 2076 Richmond it. Int.

Late Gossip of Wall Street to oO pounds to dozen, per pound. reenmount Cem. Remains may be viewed 11 punt 1 tier Fri. 7 M. HUNGARY NEAR MONARCH BpeciU Cable to The Inquirer.

Copyright, 1919, The Press PuUUhina Co. (The X. Y. World.) LONDON, Oct. 29.

The campaign Hungary in favor of tB restoration of a monarchy has been making extraordinary progress. The movement bats gained great im-j petus since President Friedrieh's decla ration to a Royalist delegation last week, in which he told them he shares their views fully. Since then it has been assumed generally by all surviving reactionary elements that the return to a monarchy will be proclaimed before long. It is confidently expected that the coming elections for the Constituent "Assembly will result in a large majority in favor of the restoration of a monarchy, MARRIAGE LICENSES ISSUED 3730 N. Franklin st.

Int. private. Crecn-motint Com. Friends may call Wed. eve.

Oct. 27, at 1.55 A. M-. residence, 742 Sprasue Mt. Airy, IIFNTtV KL-LIS.

liusbaml of Anna t'anter KTlis. and sm of late Thomas Biddlo Kllis aud Pliebc Justice Woolley Ellis. Funeral services nt It. It. Bringhurst 1921 Aixh 2 1'.

M. Int. private. ENGART. Oct.

27. LA t'R A MII-LSPAfCH. wife of Jobn S. Kmrat. Uelatives and friends invited to funeral services.

11 A. 4423 Baltimore avc. Int. convenience of EVANS. Oct.

husband of Sallie C. Evans tnce Ryan! and son of the late Captain John and Catharine Ev3ns. Relatives and friends, also employees of the Atlantic Refining Company, are invited to attend funeral. at s.30 A. from his late residence.

lMio S. Bonsall st. IJiuli mass at St. Edmond's Church. 10 A.

M. Int. Holy Cross fern. GLFNDON. Oct.

20, SCE F. GT ENDON fnee ItandolphK wife of Frank C. 51endon. Residence. 3113 Lancaster ave.

fiODSHALL. Oct. 27. AVIM.IAM COP-PHALU in his 01st year. Relatives and friends, also Kensington IxnIbo.

No. 211. F. aud A. and Kensincton Royal Arch Chanter.

No. 233. art invited to attend futiernl servir-es, 1 P. M. preiscl.v.

at his late First Machine Breaks Down and Robbers Enter Garage for New Vehicle 2300 Motherloo 60 55 60 402 930 New Motber- 6 55a 5s 3C0 Natl Tiu 7 7-7 I 00 Nipissins I I Va I I 'a I I Va 100 Oooadapo. 3 3. 4 3'4 1600 Red aWr'r 14 Va. 3000 Rex Cons 12 12 12 -02 lOOORoeh Min 20 20 20 1600 Roper Grp 9-16 'a ''s Croiv. -2 3.8 2400 Seven Met 5-16 '4 5-16 5000 Silv Ar 3-4 11-16 11-16 200 Silv Id '4 '4 '4 1000Stw't Min 22 22 22 1 000 Success 05 05 05 1000 Sunburst 53 53 58 500 Tonop Helm 3,3 3 3000 Tonop 08 08 03 -i-OI' a 3100 Tonop Pir 6s 6a Va 500 Tonop Ext 3 4 27 a a 2400 Tonop 3 24 23 23 1 000 Tonop Mid 19 19 19 -01 200 Tonnp Min 3-3 3 1 000 Tonop Miz 06 06 06 01 100 Tnitert Zinc I I I 650 I'm Eastn 4'4 4 4' 4 3-16 2900 West IH I 9-16 1 5 8 16500 White Caps 15 12 13 02 300C 1o Ext 02'2 022 02'2 1 000 Wilbort.

07 07 07 1 200 Yerrington 04 04 04 Vz BONDS NEW YORK. Oct. 29. There was a tronouneod broadening in the trading the outside market today, with many issues showing pronounced strength, but recessions occurred in other stocks, making the general appearance of the movements in leading stocks irregular. The oil stocks demanded most attention, as they have done for some time past, the new Carib Syndicate stock selling at the bigh record of f0 and the rignts were traded in at Alice M.

W-tUiams. Camden. X. lnl and and EldridKe H. Ivins, Camden.

N. .1. 27. NATALIE KIMBALL. Emilv Te tn.

2504 NT. 11th "aufrnter ot r. tMinnaii aim urammt rvim.v Kenneth C. Meinken. 1013 W.

Lehigh Iiaaar, ed 10 ioonThs. riineral. rr.urs., Bertha Robinson. 1423 N. 21st A.

31 from parents' resinence, iron Stanley Gordon. 1510 Fitzwater st. Bt-- Uueen Lane Manor. Int. private.

Kathryn Omnn. Glemide. HERON. Oct. 27.

CHARLES beloved Spccicl to The Inquirer. HATFIELD. Oct. 29. Thieves who came to Hatfield after 30 o'clock this morning in a big automobile, believed to have been stolen, broke into the Myer Obermeyer clothing factory here and stole 400 pairs of trousers and 500 yards of cloth.

The loot is valued at $3500.. The trousers and cloth was carried off in an automobile stolen from the garage of Abraham F. Kulp. of Hatfield, who is assistant superintendent of the pubbc schools of Montgomery county. The stolen articles had been loaded into the car in which the thieves came to Hatfield, but when a few hundred yards from the plant it broke down.

It was then that the Kulp garage was entered and Mr. Kulp's machine stolen and the loot transferred. 01 to 00 pounds to dozen, per pound. 32a33c: 37 to. 42 pounds to dozen, per pound.

31a3'-c: 43 to 47 pounds per dozen, per pound, 31a33c: 48 pounds and over to dozen. 34aa.c: sprine squabs, per dozen, white, weighing to 12 pounds per dozen. whitp, weighing 9 to 10 pounds per dozen. white, weighing 8 ponnds per dozn, 7.i; do do 7 pounds pr dozen, dt do, fia6H. pounds per doaen, dark.

S1.50a2.25;- small and No 2. BEANS AND PEAS Offerings were only moderate and the market ruled steady, but trade was quiet. We quote: Beans, 100 pounds, in car lots Marrows, 191M, choice. do do. 1919.

choice, 511.50; medium, 1919. choice. pea beans, and 1919. $7.75: do Japanese. 1918.

$7: Lima, Cal, 1918. choice. $14.75: do 1919. choice. $125.50: do.

Baby, 1918. choice. do Madagascar, choice, green peas. Pomes, 1918, choice, $6.25: green split peas, choice. $10; yellow split peas, choice, lentils, choice, $10.50.

6 BEEN FBUTTS The apple market ruled firm with demand readily absorbing the limited offerings of fine goods. There was a fair movement in other fruits and values generally were well maintained. We quote: Apples, per bushel-hamper. do, per barrel. S3.

50 a8: cranberries, average good, per crate. $1.50 a2.50; cranberries, extra fancy, large, per crate. pears, seckel, per bushel, SSa 4.50; do Keifer. per bushel. grapes.

Concord, per pony-basket. 29c: do Catawba, per pony-basket, 24a25c: do Wine, per jumbo basket, 30; lemor.s. per box, $3. 10a 5.05; oranges. Cal, per box.

grapefruit. Fla, per box, VEGETABLES There was a pretty good outlet for potatoes of fine quality and the market ruled firm, with snpplies well under control. Cabbage was well cleaned up and firmer. Onions of fine qnality were in better demand and slightly higher. We quote the following prices 1 White potatoes, nearby, per basket.

No 1. lower grades, 4OaC0c-white potatoes, per 150-lb sacks. No 1. a4: No 2. white potatoes.

Penna, per cwt, sweet potatoes. Southern No 1. per bhl. S3.50a3.5: do No 2 pr bbl. 'General Asphalt was unusually active.

bing traded in at 147 to 153. Guffey Gillespie was also active and strong, ranging from 28 to 29 There wa: heavy buying in White Oil. hut realizing sales caused a reaction from 30io to 38 followed by a rally to Texas Company, when issued, sold at 2,4 to 05, and the rights were traded in at 71 1 to There were dealings in Texas Pacific 'oal and Oil new stock at 185 to 100. There was initial trading in the new T'nited States High Speed Steel and Tool stock, which has a process for manufacturing tools by casting which The president of the company states is highly successful. The Maibohm Motors ompanv submitted a sworn statement Thomas J.

Minnick. 5837 Wakefield st. husband of Margaret Heron nee Mi-Cirath). Sarah Maeuire. 537 V.

Sheldon t. riolnt-ivoe unH frionrU iso memlters of i'oiirt and a ve. and und and and and and and ave. and and and and and and James Feeney. 2304 Dickinson nt.

Prosperity. No. 176. F. of A.

and L. O. O. Marie J. Mannine.

2229 N. 15th No invitol in funeml Vri. A -'nigh. SI 7.000 Allied Fkrs 6s 9034 1 0.000 Am Teleph 6s 1922... 9834 3.000 Amer Teleph 6s 1924..

9834 3.000 Tana Govt 5'js I 92 993.8 6.0COCana Goct 5 Vis 1929. 975.8 20.000 Cleve. 4 St 95 32.000 Intern Tl 7s 703 a 45,000 Sweden Fovt 6s 9734 5,000 Swiss Govt 5'. 2s 93'2 5.000 l'ni Kins: 5'28 '22 wi. 98'a 55.000 I'ni Kins 5'2s 29 n-i.

96 '4 2. COO Copenhagen Govt 5'2s. 863,4 1.000 Genl Elec 6s I920.l00's Low. 90 983-4 9834 993 a 97'2 94 69t'2 97 '-'4 934 98 8634 I 00 'a Henry T. Baraldi.

1344 Boston ave. residence. 2220 N. Svdeuham st. Solemn 28, aptatn ELLIOT H.

5riOE. husband of Susan F. Shoe (nee Oster-Iiind), ubc( 67. Relatives and friends, alsi Frunkford Council. No.

176, f. p. and the V. R. Relief Hre invited to attend funeral.

3 P. from bis lte residence. 61 tonklin Frankford. Int. North Cedar Hill Cem.

Remains may be viewed from 8 to 10 P. M. SNKLLB AKEH. Siirtdenlr, Oct. 27.

Mrs. KATE IIORST. wife of Edward f). 8nellhaker. Relatives and friends invited 1o attend funeral.

1.30 p. from her son's residence. 131 Richmond st. Interment Cbelten Hills Cem. Auto service.

SQFIER. Suddenly at New York fitv. Oct. 27. ELIZABETH RANKIN (nee Armstrong).

idow of Charles Harris Squler. Relative and friends invited ts funeral services, vyood-Innd Presbyterian Church. 42d and Pine 12 A. M. Int.

private. STILF.S. Near I.umberton. N. Tenth Month 2th, SI SANNA STILES, in her 81sf year.

Relatives and friends invited to attend funeral, at lier late rexirlence, near Iiimberton. N. on Sixthtay. 31st. nt 2.30 P.

M. Interment Canton Rurying Grounds. Auto- will meet train legring Market at. ferry. Phila.

at 1. 30 P. M. at Masonville. N.

J. SUTTON. Oct. 27, DA MEL beloved husband of Annie M. Sutton (nee Thomas 1.

aeed 73 Relatives rnd friends invited to funeral services. 2 P. at his late residence. L'H34 N. oth st.

Iut. iK. of P. t'ein. Remains may be viewed Thurs.

ftr 7 I. M. TIMMONH. Oct. 2.

CHARLES WHAI.ET. liu-baDd of Ethel Haines Tiinmors. Relatives and friends. Robert A. I Emberton No, 47, p.

and A. 1nvit.d to funeral services. 2 V. 37 Kirklvn Kirklyn. Del.

Pa. Int. private. Take Ardmore car at 69th st. station.

TOURISOX. Oct. 2S. HARRIET C1AW-NEK, wife of Ashfon S. Tourison.

asd M. residence. E. Mt. Pleasant ave.

and Ardleiah Relatives and friends are invited to Mten-I funeral services. at 2 P. at her lat Mt. Airy, Int. private.

ILMAN. Oct. 27. ELIZABETH SARAH wife of Harry G. I lman, at her late residence.

242 Manheim st. Funeral at tbe convenience of family. UPTON. Oct. 27.

EMMA, wife of John p-ton. Relatives and friends invited to fnnr! services. at 2 P. at her late resi Elva McCarthy. Detroit.

ruiiiiDm rimrrli fit Our Ladv of William K. Cole, Detroit. Mich. Mercv. 10 A.

nrecisel.v. Int. Iloly HaDna M. Oiley. Melrose Park.

rh-e Com Antn fumrjjl Fred C. 4t02 X. Smedley NEW YORK. Oct. 29.

While sortie comment was beard in certain quarters that the decline in Steel Corporation earnings in September from the high level of August forecast a less favorable report for the current thrcg months, to be made public on the last Thursday in next January, little significance was attached to this development in well-informed circles. In the first place, the only real shock felt from the strike was in its first week, and secondly, in September the strike of British railway workers necessitated an embargo on shipments from this side for several days. The steel strike has lost its effect and- ship-p. t-nts are now moving normally, and it is good opinion that the last quarter of 1910 will more than hold its own with the preceding one. Jmpressiv buying appeared in the common both yesterday and today, buying similar to that which has been apparent for several weeks, indicating that big interests which pay little attention to day-to-day fluctuations are still bullish on Steel for the pull.

International Paper International Paper made" one of its frequent displays' of independent strength today, selling up more than three points at one time. The big business which this company is doing suggests that in the current' year anywhere from to $33 a share will be earned on the common before allowing for taxes. If earning statistics count for anything it would seem that International Paper has been selling out of line contrasted with many other stocks which have beeu bulled on less ammunition than miebt be explored Stret. r- 1 CO Reeina C. McCann.

5000 Woodland and and William A. Steieer, 5543 Chester ave. I na 'vS 'r Jeanette F. Marter. 770 X.

41st 7. -JA T. and and Ralph E. Nimelton. 4ft35 I-nst st.

a'nnerclior I lilW. nine iur of business for the month of Septraeber, NOTES OF THE STREET Bessie Stephens. Amber and UWn-e "IT' 1 Th'iVso- nt3; CeS: and car left the at One of the thieves remained tried until daylight to get the started, but then gave up and Hatfield. Just a week ago the factory of Montgomery Clothing ('oaapauy. In its diuest of trade conditions the Franklin National Bank said yesterday: "Many important price recessions have occurred, in-cludins nearly atl farm products, as well as coffee, lumber, copper and spelter, al- though both copper and spelter are in strong showing the earnings of on a production of only 5184.000 worth of ars, the output being limited by the fact that the company had not yet entered the new factory, but was still in its temporary quarters.

This rate profit if maintained on the production for 1120. already oversold, it is Hairned, will -show a return of about .100 per cent, on the stock now outstanding. Manj' of the low priced oil stocks became active with further indications of the accumulation of Home Oil by a combination of important West Point, was entered' by thieves and 700 pairs of trousers, valued at Patrick O'Keefe, 5643 Matthews St. 28. I.oi ISA A.

Ophelia M. Enoch. Holinesburn. and daushter of W. and the late rniu.

i. Georae A. Robinson. 2971 Emerald st. Mildebra ndt.

Relatives awl friends invited to Florence T. Heiser. 2734 Smirk and attend funeral services. Sat. 230 P.

M. pre- Chrls J. Stead. 135 Kinslev st cisely. at the resiilen.e of her mother.

1 lo Sarah Gramovc. 71S Porter and Boris f. 5Xth st. Interment Mt. Monali (em.

Novick. 2410 S. Sheridan st. Friends may call 8 to 10 P. M.

Victoria Kelly, South Carolina, and George HOLM ES. Oct. 2s, MARGARET SARAH Wells. :59 E. Armat st.

HOLMES. Relatives and friends invited Eleanor H. Dilks. 2642 N. 13th and attend services, at 3.30 V.

Samuel A. Dysart. 3633 N. Broad St. residence of cousin.

Mrs. Samuel Johnson, 71 Ida Zettler. 5M4 Whitby aod Frank Duval st Gennantown. Int. private.

ICe- Bupger. 514 Whitby ave. mains mav be viewed Wed. eve. jaefferornreUi314rtiN AWenst t'G II Oct 12.

at San T)ie0. WILLIAM lUGHCS of Philadelphia. Fa. and Joseph J. Doyle, N.

12th st. 1u'' notice of funeral will be jmen. Hazel L. Bradley. 5722 Had6eld and HI'IIX.

Oct ft. MARY. widow of do Jersey, per basket. cab-tiru-in huge. New Jersev.

rwr linul-et u0-T lio i- -J'" were carried off in an automo- bile truck New York. domestic. per ton. S20a25: do Danish, per ton. $n0alO: onions, per luO-lb sacks, yellow.

REFUTED The market was unchanged with business restricted by scarcity. We quote on a basis of 9c for fine granulated. BALED KAY AND STRAW Kc eipt. tons of hay and cars of straw. The market ruled steady on No 1 stock, which POISONED ALLEGE WOMAN John E.

Bittner. Atlenlown. Pa. I Charles Tluhn. aScri S6.

Relatives and frienl.s P. Liokadva Sabala wsktite. 136 Tasker and are invited to attend funeral. at st. Iut.

John Tillo. S17 Erandywine st. lier Wtc residence, 3ii25 Cuthbert position with the Ions price trend upward. Leather has experienced a material drop and wool is weakening. One-half of the things we consume are cheaper than they were a month Suaar is scarce with the price trend upward due to short supply and greatly increased consumption' The directors of the Ninth National Bank have added $100,000 to surplus account, this fund now asftrecate $000,000.

The Northern National Bar.b lias also added S.10.000 to its, surplus, bringing this account to Silver sold in New York yesterday at an ounce, which is the highest price touched in decades. Demand for the metal from China persists and is the main reason for the advance. Savase Arms Corporation reports for September SO nuarter surplus afttr charges and Federal tax and preferred dividends acainst surplus of $2-10 919 in the same 1918" quarter. The Republic Oil and Retinitis Company of New York Curb Market vTINSLOW TAYLOR 130 S. 15th and 44 Broad New York, report quotations yesterday as MISCELLANEOUS BY REJECTED SUITOR i j- a sman proportion oi the supply.

I he unuer 1. l'. AlthonEn no dividends under kih tuote; Timothy hay No 1. $82: No 2a3i: No 3. $2427.

Clover mixed hay Light mix ed. No 1 mixed. S2fki2T. Straw- No 1 Net Florence l.onan. 524 Bainbridge and private, at Fern wood Com.

Milton Newman. 526 RainhridKe i nrNTFR --Oct 27 LAWRENCE son of AnDa Piotrowick. rrenton. .1.. and ate j-j-ank'N.

rid Amanda Hunter, aeed 21. Jonn Niewodowski. 222 Hur.tins avc. i piatives and fnends. Fernwfd Ld8e.

No. Maria A. Bonselli, S-14 Lan and Gustavo aRri invited to funeral service. Balzauo. Ml Earp st.

1 parlors of S. P. Era nkcnf ield Btse Rroaderer 23 N. hell and 5300 Vine st. Int.

Hillside Ceni. Re-Clarence Rowe. 1444 S. Bcuvier st. main mav he iewed to 10 P.

M. i23 P'DC St" n': 2v. HENRV LAY 1RVIN. 4nra Mil'er air 11th and lohn Thomas W. and Florence In in.

WVerner. Gr22 Tlth" st 6t" "1 Rtive.and fmnd, straiirht rye. No Low. Last, change. do, 12.AOal3: riencc, 3350 N.

Lee st. Remains may be view ed att-T 7 P. M. Int. North wood Ceni Sen-ices iu St.

Nathaniel's Church at 2.3 P. M. I VANCE. -Oct. 2s.

PAULINE VANCE nee jStrahle), Due notice of the funeral will ho i given, from her late reside-e, 222 Kilter sr. WELCH. Oct. 2J, SARAH widow of Benjamin G. Welch, funeral In Huebcsville I M.

E. Church. 11 A. M. Int.

Pleasant I Hill Hushesville. Pa. YOUNG. Suddenly, 0t. Xi.

LESLIE of Florence Young (nee Romerj. Uil.iiives and friends, al-o Eurle A Tool Wnrk.f. are invited to attend funeral servicea. at 2 p. at his late rcidnec.

4237 1 Franklin t. Int. privste. Auto lun'-ral IN MEMORI AM 9Va 51p. Stocks.

300 Aetna Exp 3200 Allied PVs Amer Mare 1 tangled rve, 513: No I wheat straw. No 1 oat straw, do. No 1 No 2 do. S1l.50a12: No 2 do. 11.50al2.

63 7'4 I 4 '4 10 54 "4 73 4 Gir Dyins at Fountain 64 '4 73 a '4 Za v. Adeline E. Coniiey, narents. 2S27 W. Alb.

rt below Lehigh t-nr. Ridge and Reabush. Cross F. and Re bcrt Lehigh nave been paid on the stock in the last four years something like $100 a share has been added to the value of the stock in this period, provided 1919 earnings meet expectations. Studebaker Studebaker directors have asked stockholders to meet November 24 and authorize an increase in the authorized common capital stock, from to $45,000,000.

and of the increase will sell at 105. The new offering has been underwritten by roldraau, Saoha Co. and Lehman Pftl-IAMC .1 I Springs Refuses to Tell Who Gave Draught Mve. Int. at ortiiv.i--rHi cm.

rntu'ia iuu. Keys, Va. Goirtma Fiora'i, f'50 fihukamnPD aud Frederick IvOrio. n50 Shackamavon sr. 77 .14 15' 2 17' 2 IS'2 29 9' '4 2634 35 Dallas.

Texas, has made an offer of SI. 000 for the M. P. Tturk properties. If this deal is consummated it will give the Republic Oil and Rofininc Company a produc- 8400 Amer Tob 7734 40O Am Pap I 4 2 2600 Anal Sir 16 .9700 Am Saf Tl 13 1000 Arsonant I 3s 1700 A nst Nidi 30 400 Br Am Ch 9' 800 do pn 27 4200 Rueynis.

35 t65O0 Cont Teresa Snsar. 113.4- 763-4 14 14' 2 17 8 13' 2 29 9U 263 4 28 10' 2 1.4 1.4 call f-om 7 to 10 1. M. JACKSON. 2r.

MABEL. beloved daughter of fietirce W. and ismisa M. Jackson, aired 2S. Relatives anil fricui! r'f the ilv.

aNo Delta. Delta Sororitv. Alpha Chapter ii.U'i the teacber of Ttoroa and poMcr public scliools. are invited to attend fuocm! t-erv- ice. 2 P.

at licr late ilO W. Vcuanso Ht. HillM'lc i tion of about 14.000 barrel daily. BELLAK. In loving remembrance of LEO FOLD W.

BELLA K. who passed away Octy. His loving wife, BLA HE A. BULLA "Alice MoJir Atlen'own, and Daniel .1. i McCarthy, 114 S.

7th t. Racbcl T. Kerser. 23'il N. 3d nl Francis E.

Heller. 2301 3d s(. Both A. Chadwick. Camden, N.

.7.. and Den W. Morris'in. Camden. N.

.1. 5'. 2 j. 1 4 CORPORATION EARNINGS BRAN Offerings were light and the market rn)el firm, but demand was only moderate. We quote the following prices for car h-ts.

to arrive, including sacks: Soft winter bran. Western, in 100-lb sacks, per ton. M5a4; sprins bran, in 100-lb sucks, per ton. 14a 15. FXOTJK Receipts.

3.M.620 pounds in sarks. Trade was slow and chiefly in secondhand stocks, which were available below mill PmitR. The latter were firmly maintained. We quote at the following, per pounds parked in 140-pound jute Soft winter straieht. western.

do do. nearb', bard winter, traiht. 1 1 1 1 55 do. short patent. sprins fi'-t.

clear. f9.25a0.75: do patert. 1 2. 10a 12. "5 do short patent.

12.75; fan'-v prlr and city mills patent, family brands. $12.75 a 13.25. ETE FLOITBL $7. 35a 7. 65 per bbl -in sacks, as to quality.

wtLtAT The rcsrket was nnehanced. We quote: Car lots, in export elevator, government standard insp-tion. STANDARD PKICES Sprrrir. Th' Inquirer. SnENANDOAIT.

Ta Oct. 2f. Drinking ouantity of bichloride mercury solution at hr home of on FINANCIAL Hattie M. Lonsle. Seattle.

and Edwin S. Roxwell, Seattle. Wash. Pauline Burdel, Bradford. and Robert Cem.

HMF.S.-O'-t HANNAH MA LIN. widow of nilwood II. Relatives ami friend DOCK rOMPANT EW YORK Haines. Hanover. Pa Va I Something Different in Oil Lma M.

King. 1740 S. 2d and amcs I 1910. M22.7, Sept. ross Xet after expenses I Vz Soptombcr Miss lli rjtmaFky.

2s yciirs old. died today at the fcftate JlospitSl st Fonntsin fsprings. Tho pciison. it is allogd. was administered by a rpjectod suitor, but thf nolicp wcrp unable to oonncot anv D3 2fc0OCar Light 38 50 level Mt S50 3300 Coeo Cola 42 240O Cons Test 34 100 Colonial 17' 2 500 I Plow 24' 2 IOO do 96 1 000 Pafoe Ens I 3 225 Havana Tob 4 '2 650 Hav pfd 13 1 100 Emer Phon S'4 70O Fan-ell CI.

64 2 j.iviuTria, aim nit- j'nirrus iurtru i i be used to retire a like amount of 7 i per cent, serial notes now outstanding and clear away all floating debt. The i tale of this stock will increase the out- I standing common to $43,000,000. and Dany insiders believe that the present 4 per cent, dividend rate will be advanced I shortly to 6 or 7 per cent. President 1 $ri" 24 713 1 1S.Sfl 23VSM 1 A. Lynch.

.219 Grays avenue. Mary MrElweJl. Knis S. 24th aad Bernard J. McOlnty.

2225 S. 15fh ft. Harriet Williams. 517 Can'rell ml Lawrence L. Gibson.

120 Latona st. 850 41 32 17' 2 23 96 13 3's 17 63'. 2 147 216 7 3fiS 3.B.-'.S-t.1 1.47 710 672 TIj after tax chjs. I Nine roof pross i Net after I Sur. after tax and chc Minnie R.

Bickel. 2336 N. 2th and Master st. Carlisle and I I '2 3 ,4 850 43a 32 17' 2 23 96 13 37-8 18 3 64 156 240 13 16 15-16 833 I3s 57 27 32 16 with the rnnif be(aue thp girl rpfus- I 1., 1 j. j-iu Florence Mc ook, 213S MISSOURI No No an output of 40,000 1 The safest, surest, quickest action.

best payipc proposition in the Texas oil fields is a direct fractional in the rmdneiion 'f a di.lliup well in proren lerritorj-. It makes ync ibe direct owner of it certain fractional part of all the oil produced from 'the well. Vou get a deed to the fractional in'crest just as you no tu a piece of land. When the well hits oil you get your money odiv- a month direct from the pipe line om I pany that buys the oil from the well. I ne pets a cluince to hold out or keep back any of the mne.v.

For information about fractional interests in v. well now drilling at a depth of abmt 40O feet in proven lerritot-v i in the Desdcmona. Tetiis. oil neld-. Address William E.

Moore, H7 North 21s! street. PhiladelpliiH. Ph. 5300 Gcnl Asp 160 Erskine predicts cars this year. are imnml to atfnd I her late residence.

HroomaU, DeUwiiro I county. Ph. Int. at M'-rlia Cem. KING.

Ot. 2, THOMAS "RANCIS. liu-i band of the lale J.phine King "Dee Wa'-1 Ker and son cf the late Jobn and Mary King. 1 Relatives and friends, also of Naval Aircraft KactorT. I.eaC'je Navvar1.

are invite3 to attend funeral. at 7.3'i A. from his l-to residence. C-t'l N. Solemn mass r-quiem St.

Xaier's hurch. at 9 A. M. Int. at Cross Ceni.

KIRKI.AND.-At Pari. France. Sent. 17. ROSALIK WILSON, daughter of late Stewart Sarah Kay Wil-on, acd wife of late Benuiinin B.

KirkUnd. Funeral services. P. S-ewart Haerforii. Pa.

JConvevsnccs will meet 2. IS 1'. train from Broad St. at Haverford. Int private.

LILLY. Oct. 2. ANNL'TTA. widw of Wil 1700 do pfd 240 red winter 2 norrhcro spring hard winter 2.3f red winter, earlirkv 2.57 red.

smutty 2.58 red. (rarlicky and 2.34 -u i tiau" u'w Miiiii'iimr 10 arinit inc prison, r'byitians at thp hospital say thp woman bad apparently rpoovf red from the effects of the poison, but tom-Piications resulted nbich caused her 21 Va "a PACIFIC IVilft. $422,724 1.1!."i.tV'4 1.042.007 67.4:1.924 5.0?.SS 4.275.493 1 500 Grape Ola 13-16 2100 do pfd I 5-16 72 2.66.V. 3.200.71S Sen i. Mai.

Net Nine 1 No No gross after taxes oper. income nios. gross after taxes oper. income death.

11-16 1 3-16 8''2 133-4 57 26' 2 32 16 (Matthew Macauley. 2P17 N. 5th st. 1 Rkc K. Lachinan.

554 K. Redfield and N. Haleblian. Atlantic City. N.

J. Amanda M. Cooke. 2037 S. Salford and I John G.

1527 S. Bailev st. Isabella A. Ferral. 1551 X.

Warnk jsnd Robt. J. Butter-nick. 3632 N. Smedley st.

Elsie LewU. 2361 N. Fawn and Richard i C. Carter. 10-41 Fernon t.

rbarobers. Rodman st and Arthur S. Freeman. 762 st. Sarah McConky.

1915 E. euans-J and Joseph Creany, 3025 N. Bailey st. Ionise E. Klebes.

1221 W. Uveomin? and Warren A. Farwell I'a. Net 1 The Lmted States t.rain Corporation purchases of wheat are based on the followice schedule of discounts No 2 wheat 3c under No 1. No 3 wheat 6c UDdcr No 1.

Decrease. 1. conformist to No 4 wheat 10- under No No 5 wheat 14c under No For atl wheat otherwise the specifications of No 5 liam I i 1 1 asred tiT. STEAMSHIP LINES I'M I tmrn of her son. James or better, bit 4 '4 Auto Somersaults, No One Hurt Sprriol to The Imqvxrcr.

TIUJ.TOU'N. Ta. Oct. 2,0. An automobile containing four persons turned a complete somersault on a hill at thc'Fricks farm, on the Hilltown road.

F.cvond minor cuts and braises, none of the four are injured. The machine deficient in test wejght the discount from N. Front Camden. N. J.

Int. Ilarleieii Cem. Friends may ul after 1 P. M. vvv JOHN E.

beloved of i I 1 per hu-ibfl fer uie rso i price will be each one pound d-fji-nc-y in test welsbt. iTiDces l. Tinnry. 2v6 Richmond st. John J.

Sheridan 1230 W. Erie ave. Gertrude Maconarh. 1 fiX S. 22d Clayton MrKenx.

21 20 Morris st. I Julia Buerkle. 'J39 Delancey and 3' 2 343.4 3233 30 40' 2 98 '4 14 60 Relatives riiiheth and Patrick Lynn, aced -4 int Kreeze nd friends. employees cf I and a nd John a cd Xor- nvoer. lviU ate.

funeral. residence. 21t1 u5 Oil are invited HO A. from hi- late mas-s at st r.n-Int. at Holy Cros- is a complete wreck.

A tire blow out 1 Sb 2- N' st" Doaald L. Retinae, Oak Ln. ThiU. caused the trouble. In the car were- Morgan.

4619 Sansom st. aaJ Harrv Huston. of T.ansdale. driver I an W. Krase, Wiiminston.

Del. Moore t. Solemn mnnil's Church, at 10 A. M. New York Cotton Market From The Inouirer Bureau.

NEW YORK. O'-t. 20. The hie advance of Tuesday was followed by very nervous and irresular fluctuation in the cotton mar- i kct durine today's trading. Spot and vrr news continued as bullish us ever.

The predicted frost, however, did not materialize. owine to the rainy weather. There evi- deiuly was a disposition to take profit on I lone contracts in advance of the govern- ment report due tomorrow. If anything tins "inclination was by loss favor- able late advices the lub-ir t-itija- tlon. The decline extended to :L.u.' for Januarv.

or about points below Tnes day's "closine tiRure and 5r points under the high level of the niornirj. That de- I liverv ck-sed at 35.1. The ceneral list 1 closed irreenlar Ht a net decline of 12 to 40 points. The local market for spot cotton was steady and 2i points lower at i 3v3- for middling. Sales.

600 bales. The ranc- of contract prices ami a worn- Copper Costs The Federal Trade Commission tjnds that last year copper mining organisations made a profit of 2S per cnt. rn their total investment of The report covers iV companies, producing approximately 2.250,000.000 pounds of copper, about per cent, of the total production in the United States. The average cost of producitic; copper for thepe companies was slightly more than cents a pound and mre than per cent, of the production cos: less than 20 cents a pound. Torplivry companies had the lowest average cost of production, less than 15 cents a pound.

These companies produced about VA per cent, of the total output. National Lead With the building programme of the country being enlarged daily, there is an increasing demand for the products of the National Lead President Edward T. Cornish, in a statement made today, said: never was a time when there ct z-w rv ii jiK T1AA1 AT 1" 1 1 Ct rasenser and Freight Services Wheat grading blow No 5 for reason othej than dCilciency test weight will be bought on its merits. Smutty wheat will he discounted according to Ibe degree of smut, but in nyj case less than 2c per bushel under the corresponding regular grade. (iarlirkv wheat will be discounted iust as heretofore.

2c p-r beshel from the regular grad. Mixed wheat will be discounted from 2 to oc. accordins to qualit.v and condition of mixture, bat. unless otherwise instriMteri. the '8 3.4 20.

YORK to LIVEUroOL Cem. MK 'V Ort 27. JAMES, husland of Matilda L. Services and int. private.

5731 Sprirsfielrt ave. muivv net. '27. MARGARET C. wif- of of of and owner: Charles Fisher, L.ansdae; Charles Huston.

I.ansdale, and David Lukcns, Conshohockcn. 3-4 34 32 30 39' 2 98' 4 133 4 60 43t 40 31 28 14' 2 614 59 I 1 4 57 7 73 9 40 18 S'4 1 23 4 1 a NEW Vasari Orduna Carmania NEW 1 20O Hayden Ch 87.8 3200 Uupp 14 4500 Hendee Mf 61 1600 Indian Pkg 27' 2 500 Kirb.v 34 400 Imp Tob. 17 000 Lake Torp 344 -t7600 Loews Inc 3o 6300 Loft 323 4 IOO Mart Parry 30 5300 Merocr Mrt 4 I 700 Mallison Silk 98' 2 1800 Maihohm 14 200 Shipb 60 300 Nor Am Ac P. 4TE 8400 OUs Steel 41 8 600 Overld Tire 3 I 2 2000 Parkard Mrr 36 2700 Pauls-en Mt.r 5 50 Pyrene Mfg I434 200 Pressman 6'4 1 800 P.eposle Ptl 60 300 Kockawar 1 I '2 600 Root Vand 58 4500 Republic 78 500 Stearns Mt 76 1200 Snow Foun 93 4 300 Stewt War 41 9700 Snbm Boat 20 I60O Stand Mtr 8' 2 2000 Sweets Co 13'. 4 40O Stand Kub 18 TOO Studeh'er 125 400 Tob Pro Ex 35 1 50 Todd Ship 170' 2 400 Cni Kvegl 7 5500 Pistrib 59 1 1 00 fc 13 4 2700 Steam 6700 Cni Can 23'.

2 600O Cni Pr Sbg 3 1 9C0 Cni Pie Pro 23 Oct. 31 Dec. 6 12. IH-. 17 PLYMOUTH Ut" 1 MoSHxne and daughter of the DIED ACHRSON.

Suddenly" Oct. "7. JOHN, -n of the late John and Rebecca Acheron, aped 41. RlatiTe and frlendv also Wafhinston (amp. No.

343. P. O. S. of PhiU.

Ijode, No. M. L. O. O.

Moose Heart Lecion. Relatives YORK to and also Sacrea neap of the Nativity, are invited '4 12 SOUTHAMPTON CHERBOURG I trade may rotint on our taking 2 mixed when i at Philadelphia just as heretofore, i c. 2-- under the corresponding regular grade. Receipts. Shipments.

Stov. Cirard Pt l.M7"2 Port 55 I Keystone Elevator 1.S92 7.09t Track S.750 Nov. 22. Pec 10 to PLYMOUTH. Mauretania NEW YORK funeral.

at a. h--iu reMdence. 3121 Memphis M. Solemn renuien, mass st Churcli of the Nativity at 10 A. M.

Int. at St. Ann's Cetu. MTLER Ort. 2.

KATIIIRINE 'nee LoefTell. beloved wife of Harry Mahler KcU- with mesrtav phis ihkiw: Communities Celebrate prc! 10 Inquirer. SHENANDOAH. Oct. 29.

Gordon today welcomed her soldier sons home and unveiled a monument in their honor. Frackville gave lfer service panson 1. 4 Open. High. Low.

Month. N.r. 22 i I r.6.P 3.00 4037 N. fi OO M. from her late residence.

-30 mass at ft. c-lnt. Holy Scpm- 2 yth st. Solemn hiah requiem ronica's f'hurcb at 10 A. M.

434 41 31 SO 5 14' 2 6' 4 60 I I 58 7 76 9' 4 40 I 8' 4 8 '2 13 1 77 8 125 3412 170'. 2 7 59 i vz 7. 2 23 14. 23.4 223-4 2734 68 59 31 5 30 ioe. 26.20a 3K.50a36.C-" 35.61a35.72 34r.a34.00 34.55a 34.2a 33.75a 33.6'a .12.

31. 65a men a great welcome nome with ail tbe parades and other incidental ceremonies, while Treverton had the great Total 1.1 42 S.K05 2T37.367 COBN Supplies were small and the market ruled firm and slichtly higher. Trade, however, wag qniet. We quote No 2 vellow in car lots for local trade at 1.56a1.5S on spot. Receipts.

Shipments. Stock. 20th St Elv 2,342 17.467 23d St Stores 140 43 Keystone 152 Track 1 250 1.2.5' Nov. Dec Ian. Keb.

Mar. Apr. May June .1 uly An-r. Sept. Slj.tS 3r.55 34.30 34.25 32.

31. 0 37.00 36.10 3T.20 33 'M 32. 4 32.0.". HAVRE and SOUTHAMPTON Ruval Georpre Nov. 5.


1. Dec. NEW YORK to PIRAEUS ias at present. Tainting was df erred H5 during th war and there was little and Tioa-a Nest. No 1407.

O. of 0.. are iu--1ted to attend funeral. P. from the residence of his brother-in-law.

John Matter. 4C17 WgyrT Niffrown. lot. Hillside Cem. Friends may call Thnrs.

eve. BARNFS. Oct- at Oirit Chorcb Hos-rital. REV. R.

HKBER BARNES. aed Funeral erricea. 11 A. Chrlot Church. Cd bt.

abere Market. Int. private, Wert Laurel Hill Ctm. BiRTRAM. Oct.

2. MART A of late rr. Thomas Kbipley Bartrairt. Relatives and friends inrltd to fnneral Bert-tees, 2 P. niece' residence.

Mrs. Mary Steer. 3S Athens Ardmore. i'a Int. private.

North wood Cera. BARRETT. Oct. 77. WTLLIAM.

htijband TnLc Barrett nee Jones) and or Pwatnis and Sarah Barrett, aed CJ. Relatives and friends, arse Epiphany T. A. R. Society; Div.

No. 47. A. O. and employees of Atlantic 34.95 si! 50 32.

tr, 32.00 I '2 est time the old town ever had with chre Cem. Auto service. MRT1N. Suddenly. Oct.

23. J. 'MARTIN, ascd 21. Relatives are incited to attend funeral, i fmm n.cMcni'0 of his father. I.

CH A RLE and friends V30 A. V. Martin. 40 her service men as guests of lionor. i doing.

1 he company is believed to be in a splendid condition financially, i Last var its net income was 000. 'Of this $1,706,000 was paid ont 125 34 170' 2 7 58 I 2 7 Is 23 1 '4 23 4 22 demonstrations were, continued olemn vciuiem The this 133o K. Monteomerv ave. mass si Church of the Iloly Name. 1" A.

M- evening. 1.542 and oats service. to lo- Int! Holy Sepulchre Cem. Auto 3.592 -On all sales of corn except those on of Ve for storage Total NOTE cal trad a charge track there is Iron i CLEVELAND, in preferred dividends axtd o1, per cent, in common dividends, leaving a sur MUT. HOLLA ND.

Suddenly Oct. A BETH, daughter of the late Daniel and Mary and elevating. rannonia Nov. NEW YORKtDERRY GLASGOW 3 Trade Review Ohio. Oct.

CD. Coal strike bein? anticipated bV the industry. This constitutes which is Sales of gra'n. paid by the buyer. plus of or equal to per ai possibilits Mulholland.

Uuneral A. in ih rci.1pnce of her nieoe. Mrs. tatharine flour, hay. etc.

by the jobbing trade are ut cent. steel and 6 Columbia Nov. 8. Dec. iron i the Hopkins.

2O20 Oirdcn st. Solemn nia-s rr. at St r1inris'' Clllircll. 10 A. rnlins factor in tee market for the -1500 IT High 2734 25'4 400 Tni 63 67 5900 Yanadimn 60 53' 4 I ICO Yhraudau I 3 1 '4 31 00 Wayne Coal 5 47 600 Welch Gr 30 30 an advance oer the wholesale quotations herein recorded.

OATS Tbe market was qniet. bat stady nnder light offerings. We quute ear lots as to location. present. A Leaf From Our Page Tbe "oil game' has struck the Relatives and friends.

also employees Wanamakcr's shirt factory, are invited to at tend. Int. New Cathedral Cem. arlons proauoers oi ihuwh vve tw.n acceotine new business right alotuj ,8 Bnt- vitihv rw-t "7. PA XMt.

wne ot tai nd Emanuel Neiiniao. used 77. Relatives No 1 white No 2 white No 3 white No 4 white Chester Policeman Locfcetf Up iSpfuri to The Inquirer, CHESTER. Oct. 20.

-William Rickey, a Chester policeman, was held under bail today hy Alderman Thomas C. Berry, Ilickey being charged by his wife with assault and battery, desertion and non-support. Ilk-key objected to being placed in a cell until a bondsman was secured for him. contending that a policeman should not be "treated like that." Chief of Tolice Davenport thought otherwise, however, and Ilickey -as locked up. sm son 79 Mi 77H Shipments.

friends are invited to attend funeral PHILADELPHIA to LIVERPOOL Verba r.ia Nov. PHILADELPHIA to LONDON Venrorna Nov. 10 Philadelphia-Bristol (ATDJu1h Copenhagen Nov. 7 Pier Ifi South tv rniL.nrxrmA service-, late at 10.3'v. M- Prccisely H2 SI SO 7S Stork.

1.HS6 F6.01 59,410 her Mt Int. idencc. Berks st 2 I 3 for forward delivery bare abruptly terminated this practice and will make no furtlier 4 quotations until the situation clears. Some of them have recalled outstanding qno-! tations. The result Is that prices in many lines have become purely nominal and 'much business is suspended.

I Should the strike be averted and sellinp be resumed, it is believed unlikely that any I (treat price advance In finished material will take place because laroer interests are STANDARD OILS 1300 Anjr A Oil 29 29 '4 SOO Atlantic Lo 81 78 80 10 111 185 185 185 130 St Oil Cal 302 297 297 10 Oil N.T 718 718 718 65 St Oil NY 417 412 412 INDEPENDENT OILS Receipts. 3 600 5.759 4.155 3.600 Port Richmond. 20th St Elevator. Keystone Elevator. Track Total ish Isles hard, according to a Wall Street man.

who has just returned from London, and the craze for oil stocks now radius in America is finding a smaller duplicate on the other side of the water. Mexican Eagle, Bormah. which corporation is a partner with the Government in the Anglo-Persian territory and a half dozen others are listed on the London Stock Exchange and the turnover in these securities has never been so great as in the last few months. M12 13.514 14 7.591 Oct. 23.

GRAIN INSPECTIONS t-16 RESORTS Cars. 1 1 19 ATLANTIC CITY, N. J. I I 1 034 I I I 1-16 I 1-16 5'2 5 5'4 I 2 I "4 I 2 8'2 8'4 4 37s 4 23 2 'a 23 8 73 4 73.4 73 72- 72 16 .18 .18 52 4834 51 '2 2000 Ajar Oil 6000 Allied Oil 20OO Alto 4000 Amal Ryty TOO Alliance. 1800 Atl Petrol 800 Bell Petro 1 20O Boone Oil 40OO Bost Wj-o 1 OOO Barn IStOOCarib ReOnlns are invited to attend fnneral.

FVC. A. SC. from his "fa tber'ts residence, 2230 R. 13tb ftt.

Solemn requiem mass at the Chorrn of Onr Lady of Mt. Cancel, at 9.30 A. M. Int. Holy Cross Cem.

BERGMAN. Snddenly. Oct. 2n. ATGCST I.

hoi-band of FVedia rienrman (nee Pieokl. Relatives arjd friends, a I no Court Stephen 'ii-rard. No. 33. T.

of emplovee of PhHa. Rapid Transit and Protective Cnion. No. 477. are invited to attend funeral cervices.

2 r. M-. at hi late residence. 1922 Point Breer ave. Int.

Pernvood Cem. Remains may be viewed 8 10 r. M. BECRT. Oct.

8. WILLIAM, husband of Susan M. Beory. aged 73. Relatives and friends are invited to attend fnneral services, 2 P.

M. precisely, at hi3 late residence, 16M W. Allegheny ave. Int. private.

BLACK. Oct. 25. ROBERT C. husband of Lonrena Black (nee Palmer), aged 33.

Relatives and friends invited to fnneral pei-rloes, at 1 P. at residence of his brother-in-law, Ptniel A. Barns. 2547 S. Sartnin st.

Int. at HiUside Cm. via trolley funeral car. BLA E. Ort.

27, PHTLIP F. BLAKE, asel SO. Relatives and friends are invited to attend funeral services at his late residence. Willow Grove Wyndmoor, 2 P. M.

Jnt. private. BOND. Suddenly. Oct.

29. at her late residence, at Merlon. ROSALIE PE SOLMS. widow of Francis Strontt Bond, and daughter of late Sidney J. and Maria del Carmen de Solma.

Notice of funeral later. Hartford papers please copy. BOTCE. Oct. 28.

HARRT L-, husband of Anna A. Boyce. Relatives and friends, also Mt. Moriah Lodre. No.

155. F. and A. M. Quaker City Lodge.

No. 149, B. of R. employees of Broad Street Station Train Sjrv-ice. invited to services, 2 P.

at OUrer H. Bair Building, 1820 Chestnut st. Int. Arlington Cem. Friends may call Thurs.

from 7.30 to 10 o'clock. BOYLE. Oct 27. ESTHER. daughter of Bernard and Esther Boyle (nee Wynn).

ored 6 years 5 months. Relatives and friends. alo popils of St. Stephen's Parochial School, Hre invited to attend fnneral. from ber parents' residence, 3912 N.

13th 7.30 A. M. Angels' rrfass at St. Stephen's Church, 9 A. M.

Int Holy Cross Cem. Miner Killed at Harweod Mine Special to Tk Inqttirer, IIAZLETOX. Oct. 23. Michael Tanco, aged litf, a miner in the service of the llarwood Coal Company, was instantly killed when caught under a piece of rock five feet wide and six feet long as he was loading a car.

This is rhe first fatality at Harwood within the past eight years. 100 4900 4900 5 Carib Sy 4900 RECORD OP PRICES -IN THE MARKETS 73a 7'2 7'2 Cem. Kindly omit flowers. O'NEILL. Oct.

2. ELLA wife of the late Frank O'Neill ince Carrl. aeed t0. RcU lives and friends, also Sodality B. M-.

and Rosary and Sacred Heart Societies, are invited to attend funeral. at 7.30 A. from her son's residence, 204 Berkley N. J. Solemn reoniem mars at Church of the Immaculate Conception, 1) A.

M. Int. Calvary Cem. O'NEIL. Oct.

2S, of diptheria, EDMUND son of ratrick Z. and Mary II- O'Neil. ased one jear cisrht months. 2. MARY, wife of Davil Tatton (nec McCrossiui.

Relatives ami friends, also employees of Lit Millinery are invited to attend funeral services 2 P. at ber late residence, 2240 2Sd st. Int. Mt. Moriah Cera.

FATTON. Oct. 2.S. MARY, wife of DaviH Patton (nee MicCrossim 1 Krhitives ni friends, also Quaker City Council. No.

1. D. of and employees of Iit Millinery are invited to attend funeral services, 2 P. Ht her late residence. 2240 S.

23d st. Int. Mt. Moriah Cem. Remains may be viewed Thurs.

eve. PILLING. Oct. 2. DOROTHY, daughter of Jennett and William Pilling, aged 20 months.

Relatives and friends are invited attend funeral services. I. at parents' residence. 3509 ShellKinrne st. Int.

Oakland Cem. Remains may be viewed after 7 P. M. PL ATT. Oct.

29. JAMES. husband of Martha Piatt (nee MellorU aeed 73. Relatives and friends are invited to attend funeral. 1.30 P.

from his late residenic. 4S3S Mulberry Frunkford. Int. private. Cedar Hill Cem.

REKVE. On third-day. Tenth Month 2Kth. JENNETT A ELIZABETH, widow of Dr. Josiai.

5 a II 2 In No 1 yellow com No 1 red winter wheat No 2 red winter wheat No 3 red winter wheat No 4 red winter wheat No 5 red winter wheat Sample red winter wheat No i red winter wheat carlicky No 2 red winter wheat garlicky No 5 red winter wheaf garlicky Sample red winter wheat garlicky No 2 hard winter wheat No 3 hard winter wheat No 2 milted winter wheat No 3 mixed winter whea No, 3 mixed winter wheat smutty No 2 red winter wheat smutty No 3 red winter wheat smutty No 4 red winter wheat smutty Sample red winter wheat smutty No 2 soft white wheat No 2 Western rye No 2 white oats No 3 white oats Total AFI-OAT. Sample red winter wheat garlicky tt YL Receipts. Shipments. Oirard Pt 48', 4 48 I 5 2 4 pursuing a policy or restraint against Dinner quotations. The strong market on semifinished steel and such raw materials as pic iron and certain grades of scrap wbich is based on increased operating costs and general scarcity continues, however, to hold prices at an advanced level.

Interference by Ohio State authorities in the steel strike situation at Canton is helping alon'p -estoration of operations at that point. Ts action likewise promises to work benefits to other Ohio districts where inability or unwillingness of local officials to afford proper protection to workmen materially has retarded resumption of work at the plants. General production of iron and steel is foraing ahead steadily. A widely circulated report that standard open hearth rails have been advanced $2 to $49 at the mills has been due to misapprehension. The price remains at $47 and sales at this figure have been made by an independent mill for next year's delivery.

It is believed that these are the first orders taken direct from railroads in anticipation of their return to private control. Similar rail negotiations at Chicago involve at least 100.000 tons. Foreign purchases of iron and steel are showing a tendency to hold back because of immediate uncertainties, affecting deliveries. Some export sales, however, now are being made for shipment next year. An inquiry for 100,000 coal cars for Belgium, requiring 65,000 tons of steel in addition to axles, is before American builders.

An inquiry for 50.000 tons of relaying rails for Chile reported. A 30,000 ton sale of shipbuilding material to Japan is credited to steel corporation- SM'rpt by the ocean breezes from 48' 4 48 I I Va 5 '2 ''4 3 4 29'- I -16 '8 5500 Cities Serv pfd B. 1000 Cities SerT ctfs 900 Cmnwlth 2500 Cosd Co 1 1 00 Uriel Oil tOOOEsmcr Oil 2500 Kedl Oil. 9 OO Glenrock 3300 Guffey Gil 800 Herol Pet 80O Hndsoo Oil 700 Inter Pet 2000 InTincible. I 100 Island Oil 1400 Llvinjcstnn 800 Merritt Oil" 1300 Metro Pet hore to shore with the broad Atlantic on one side and those rainy inviting waterways (so full of interest) on the other, Atlantic City 3 4 29 17 Mrs.

Eliza Shireman Special to The Inquirer. MARIETTA; Oct. 20. Mrs. Eliza Shireman, 04 years old, the oldest resident of Hillsdale; died today from infirmities.

Shc leaves six children ami manv other descendants. 47' 2 46 Vz 1 07'a 5 ''4 28 378 1 283 a 17 78 38 ''2 45'2 714 23 a 25 238 25 can indeed offer a clean bill of '4 Va 92 Bush. .260 Stock. 293 11.934 17 I '8 39' 2 46 '4 7' 2 23 4 25' 2 2' 2 26 170 43 6' 2 55 8 Keystone Track 2.500 1 3,4 2200 Mex 400 Midw Kef I 1700 Morten 300 Natl Oil 200 Nor Texas health to the most exacting visitor. Moreover.

an AII-tha-Yaar rasorf. bai popolantv unturpsised. Stroll that fcintin; Boardwalk, and you "ingle with tlio bt from every cioa in America. Prlighlful Mt-oloor attrarnon. Tk Golf link arm 'upmrh, hambmrk rultitjC ihr beach.

Rollr-hatrtng, mpmrtu tfrA Don of Atlantic Cu: Motarmt, Fishing, Indoor Swimming Pttls, Trap Shooting, Thoatrr, Ptn, ott. TH LEADING HOUSES are always open and will furnish full information, rates, etr. Hotel St. Charles Hotel Strand 2.508 2-500 Receipts. Shipments.

S. A. W. Roth Special to The Inquirer. MARIETTA, Oct.

20. S. A. Roth, 69 years old, of Wrightsville, died today. He was former Councilman and school director since January, 1917.

lie was totally blind. A widow and live children survive. 12,227 Stock. 13.866 1.643 3.774 BROWN. Tenth month 27.

ELEANOR Total BARLEY Oirard Pt Elevator Port Richmond 20th St Total dnajrhter of Mary R. and late Theodore Brown. Relatives and friends invited to fu I 4f NEW YORK MARKETS 19.2S3 neral. Firth day Tenth month. 1.15 p.

from tbe Friends' Meeting House, Mickleton, N. J. Int. Friends' Cem. BRDNELL.

Oct. 28, PHOEBE widow WANAMAKER HONORED of Henry A. Brunell, aged 78. Relatives Marlborough -Blenheim Galen Hal ami rnenas invited to funeral services. Fri.

Reeve, aged 7S. Relatives and friends iu vited to attend funeral on Sixth-day. Tenth Month 31st. at 10 A. from the residen of the late Ellwood Johnson.

fi31 Germanton Germantown. Interment Mcdford, N. .1 I 1.30 P. FEITTEN MILLER. Oct.

2. CHARLES husband of Kate M. Beittenmiller Incc liram- lichl. Relatives and friends, also St. Alban Ixidge.

No. F. and A. M. Temple I'liap, ter.

No. 24. R. A. and Men Bible i Class of ratterson Memorial I'reslvtrriau 1 Church, invited to attend funeral services, at his late residence.

Manoa, lelawiire couu- i ty. 2 P. M. Iut. German Lutheran Cem.

RICHARDSON. Oct. 2S. ELIZA BETi I SHIELDS C.KOVES RICHARDSON, widow of! P. residence or her son.

William Seaside House The Wiltshire 2 '4- Vz Va 38 Wa, tinmen, -h tiienwooa ave. Kortner services and int, at FreemansbuTK. on arrival The Shelburne Hotel Chelsea or train leaving Reading Terminal at l.15 A Hotel Dennis The nolmhurst m. bat. Ajtoona ana Jaston ua.J papers 7'B 39 46 7' a 25 a 25 23-8 26 170 438 6 55-8 I I 10 I 30 73 VZ 6'4 53' -z 7'8 Vz 32' 1 3 'a 42 2 15 1934 23-a 14 671 2 80 1 4 192 21 -18 I Vz 10 I 4 26 I Vz Far afnaahsa tni adirAik sf isiiiil nlfti heftm, was bral btkal aaaart Head Executive Committee of World's Sunday School Body NEW YORK, Oct.

20. John Wana-maker today was elected chairman of the Executive Committee of the World's Sunday School Association, to succeed the late II. J. Heinz, of Pittsburgh. James K.

Kinncar, of Pittsburgh, was chosen vice chairman. I -7 I 169 33 4 6 5S-8 10 938 78 26 14 78 7-16 6 523 4 75-8 8214 13 4 I 13 14 I 3j l9'4 2'8 14 I 'a 62 ,4 7 1 Vz 185 13, 21 18 I 2 10 I 26 I Vz 9 'a Wednesday. Oct. 9. The flour market was dull and unchanged.

Oats were steadily held nnder light offerings, but there was little tradims. Corn was in small snpply and a shade firmer. Bran rnled firm nnder light offerings, but demand was only moderate. Hay was steadily held but quiet. In provisions there was a fair movement in a jobbing way and values were well sustained.

Tbe butter market ruled firm on fine Roods, demand for which absorbed the limited offerings. Fine new-lajd eggs were in timall supply and firm wfth demand fair. Refined sugars scarce and firm. PROVISIONS There was a fair jobbing trade and values were well maintained. We quote: Beef, in sets, smoked and air-dried.

55c; beef, knuckles and tenders, smoked and air-dried. 56c; pork, family. 57e; hams. cured, loose. 27a28c: do skinned, loose, 4a2Se; do do Rmoked, 2fia30c: hams, boiled, boneless, 44c; picnic cured, loose.

21c; do smoked. 22e; bellies, in pickle, loose. 29c: breakfast bacon. 38c; lard. SOc.

TAliOW The market was dnll and weak. We quote: Prime, city, loose. 16e; do special loose. J7c: prime, country, 15c; edible, in tierces, 19c, BUTTER Receipts. 2794 tubs.

There were fair arrivals and demand was only moderate, but only a email proportion of the supply was of fine stock and valoes of this description were firmly held. The under-grades were qniet at inside figures. Ladles and packing stock were pretty well cleaned up and ruled firm. We quote the following range of prices: Solid-packed creamery, fancy, high scoring goods, 71a73c; the latter for jobbing sales; extra, 70c; extra firsts; 66a 67c: firsts, 57a61c; seconds, 53a56c; sweet creamery, choice to fancy. 72a74c; fair to good.

61a70c; ladle-packed, as to quality. packing goods, 46a-48c; fancy brands of nearby prints jobbing at 76 78c; good to choice. 66s75c 60a64c. EGGS Receipts 3098 cases. Fine new-laid eggs were well cleaned up and firm, bnt the great bulk -of the offerings was of more or less defective qualities, which were not wanted and had to be aold at irregular figures.

We Suote the following ruling prices: Near-t firsts, per crate; nearby current receipts, $19.50 per crate: fatr to gooo, nearby eggs, per crate; seeonda. $18.80 al8 per crate; Western extra firsts. $20.10 per crate; firsts, per crate; do seconds. per crate; inferior lota, lower; fancy, earefnlly selected eggs jobbing at 74a 76c per dozen. CHEESE The market ruled firm with offerings light and demand fairly active.

We quote prices: New York whole, milk flats Fancy, 3333 4c; fair to good. 31V4a32e; Wisconsin whole milk flats Fancy. 33a 33 He; fair to good, 31a32c; jobbing sales of fancy goods, 34a3.V. LIVE POTJLTBT Supplies of fowls and chickens were fairly liberal and the market was qniet and weak on ordinary stock. Really fine desirable-siaed offerings, however, were not much in evidence and brought outside flg-nres and in some cases a premium.

Other kinds of poultry showed little change. We a note as follows: Fowls, fine quality, 27a2Se; General Review of Grain and Provisions, Batter, Eggs and Ponttry XEW YORK. Oct. 29. Wheat, snot, steady; No 2 red, $2.35 track New York billed.

Cora, spot, firm; No 2 yellow and No 2 white, S1.55U cost and freight New York. Oats, spot, steady: No 1 white. S2c Lard, firm; middle west. J2d.75a28.05. Other articles, unchanged.

Butter, steady; receipts, 8127: creamery, higrber than extras, 70a7Oe; creamery, extra (92 score). 69c: firsts, 60a69c; packing stock, current make. No 2, 47o. Exps. irregular: receipts.

fresh gathered, extras. 69a70c: extra firsts. 65a8c: firsts, 60aft4c: State. Penna and nearby Western hennery whites, fine to fancy. 93a95c: State, Pennsylvania and nearby hennery whites, ordinary to prime, 70a 92c State.

Pennsylvania and nearby hennery browns, 74a7fSc; do gathered browns and mixed colors. 10a 72c. Cheese, receipts, 1676; State, whole milk flats, current make specials. 32a32c: do average run. State whole milk twins, current make specials, 31 do average ran.

31c. Live ponltry, steady. Chickens. 23c: others uncbanred. Dressed, -steady.

Chickens. 27a46c. Other prices unchanged. ljjaTEEL5 Orv the Ocearv Fronil EkvCTV sfonxaf Gjmfcrtj of Gonsalvo Richardson, residence. -6'7 Montgomery ave.

Funeral services und int. private, at convenience of family. Frieuls may call from 7 to 1) P. M. ROESCH.

Oct. 27. at her late residence. 2700 Omar Oil I 1 2300 Orient Oil I 8 2000 Ohio Ranprer I 2300 Pan Handle 30' 2 600 Pennok Oil 1 43 1 000 TbUlips 79''4 20O0 Ranirer Otl 2 36800 Ryan 63a 1900 Salt Crk Prod. 54 la 200 Sapnlpa Ref 73 4 ISOOfeeqnoyah 9-16 6000 Shell Tnins 83 3400 kelly Oil 13'4 3700 Sirnms Pet 600 fMncl Cnr 1 6 ISOOKouthw Oil I' 2 2000 Spencer 20 260O Stanton Oil 2' 3D0 Star Texas l4'4 lOOO Texas Rang 15s 27C0O Texas Co wh iss 67 1 2 9500 Texas Co rights.

SO'. 4 2200 Texas Pac Coal 195 500 Trinity Pi! 3-a 900 Tropical Oil 22 IOO Ventnra 18 6000 Victoria On I a 6O0 Vnh-an Oil I 1 2 I 00 Wbelan Oil I '4 1 00 White 26 200 West Sfs I '2 fiOfl Wooribnm 93s City Lfv Stock Markets PHILADELPHIA. Conditions for three days ending Wednesday, October 29: BEEF CATTLE-CWerings of steers and cows were moderate but ample tor the I'm ited requirements of the Pr1 showed no important change. Calves were dull and some kinds were lower. quo Steers, good to choice.

do to good. $13al5: common to fair. fat, good to choice, corn-fed. rr pound. 9aimc: fair to good, to fair.

SVia7c; calves, extra to cnlce. sr2-'arl: fair to good. $18a20: common, heavy, Tennessee, choice, Sloa 18: other Southern. $9al3. SHEEP AND LAMBS There was a fair inquiry for sheep and values were steadily maintained.

Lambs were dnll and lower under more liberal supplies. We quote: Sheep, sheared, wethers, extra, good to choice. $9al0; medium, $7aS: common, 85: ewes, fat aud heavy. lambs, spring, choice, do medium. tli.M al4; do culls and common.

SlOall.50. HOGS The market was quiet and. unchanged, with moderate but ample offerings. We quote: Best Western, nearby, $13al4. CITT DRESSED STOCK The general market was dull with fairly liberal offerings and prices of some kinds were easier.

We quote: Steers. 19a26c; heifers, 17a23c; cows. 13al9c; calves, city dressed, choice, 26a29c; country dressed, 24a27c; sheep. 16al9c; lambs, spring, choice, 25a27c; hogs, 21c. PERSHING TO TESTIFY 1'4 5 Vz 5 I I I JOOO N.

leitUow CATHERINE, widow of Jacob Roesch 'nee MerkleL aged 0. Rcl- I atives and friends, also members of St. Taiil's i Lntbernn Chnrch. American and Brown are invited to attend funeral services. 2 P.

at the parlors of Edward Mack, 966 N. 5th st. Int. private. Greeumount Cem.

Remains may be viewed Wed. eve. Kludly omit flowers. SCHAJEFER. At his residence, Roslyn.

on Oct. 27. GEORGE huiliand of Viol-t S. Sehaefer. Funeral services and int.

prlvut- at convenience of family. SCUNITZIUS. Oct. 2S, ALPHONS be loved husband of Satherine Schtiiliius, uacd 40. Relatives and friends, also St.

lV-r I Mf3gItf5 GREATEST HOTELSUCCnS LIVE STOCK MARKETS rru ort M. Jaun l'i- t'l- to beavh. Auierti-au iht, and Paul Bcoeficlal Society of St. Peter und Paul Church, atuden, N. and 1 1 oilier1 also European.

eUaad Yfil-cJ. tl2 --ri COMPANIES MINING Bocleties of which he was a member, nre In i '8 vited to attend fuueral, S.30 A. PHILLIPS HOUSE le'-hnsett nve. near Rearh. F.

1. Thillip. The Oil Market from his late residence. 1453 Broadway, Camden. N.

J. Solemn requiem high mass st St. Peter and Paul Church. "J.30 A. Int.

Calvary Cem. Friends may cull Cun. ce. please copy. CAMPBELL.

Oct. 27, WILLIAM beloved son of James A. and Sarah A. Campbell (nee Hnirbes). Relatives aDd friends, also Travis Mandolin Club, are invited to attend funeral, 8.30 A.

from his parents' residence. 1703 N. Howard st. High reruiem mass at St. Michael's Chorcb, 10 A.

M. precisely. Int. New Cathedral Cem. Anto service.

CAVANAFGH. Oct. 27. MARIE, daughter of late, Robert and Mary Cavanangh. Relatives nI friends.

B. V. M. Sodality of Cathedral Church, employees of car service Penna. R.

invited to fnneral. at R.30 A. from her cousin's residence, 1704 Hunting Park ave. High mass of reqniem at Cathedral Church at 10 A. M.

Int. Holy Cross Cem. CLATTER. Oct. 27.

HENRY husband of Bertha Clavier, aeed 67. Relatives and friends, also Court Americns. No. 57. F.

of are invited to attend funeral. 2 P. from Ms late residence. 6410 Woodland W. Fhlla.

Int. Fern wood Cem. Friends may eall after 7 P. M. Auto funeral.

COWDRICK. Oct. 26, EDWARD, huRband of Annie Cowdrick (nee Wcigand) and son of late Edward and Elizabeth Cowdrick, aged 77. Relatives and friends, Phila. Fire Dept.

Relief Firemen's Pension Invited to fnneral services. 2 P. at residence of William Mcllhenny. 622 Olney ave. Int.

private. Monument Cem. CRAIG. Oct. 28.

JAMES, husband of Mary Jane Craig. Relatives and afriends. also officers and members Port Richmond Presbyterian Chnrch. Mutual Friends' Lodge. No.

452, I. O. O. George M. Brooke Circle, No.

40. B. of invited to funeral services. at 2 P. at late residence.

3064 E. Thompson st. Int. private. North Cedar Hill Cem.

DIEROFF. Oct. 29. GUSTAV. husband of Julia Dieroff, aged 64.

Relatives and friends, members of Coesank Council. Jr. O. V. No.

526. arc invited to view remains. 7 to 9 P. at hia late residence. 604VElm Audubon.

N. J. Services 3 P. at residence of his son. William Dieroff.

4900 N. Camac Ta. Int. private? North-wood 1 Cem. DIKTSCH.

Oct. 28. FREDERICK C. D1ETSCH. husband of Sarah E.

Dietsch. aged 40. Relatives and friends, also Integrity Lodge. No. 187.

K. and A. and Blaster Plumbers are invited to attend funeral, 2 30 P. from hia late residence, 1133 N. 58th st.

Int. at Fernwood Cem. Friends may call Thurs. eve. DREYJ5R.

Oct. 26. MINNIE wife of Joseph F. Dreyer and danghtay of Mary and late Frederick Klenk. Relatives and friends invited to fnneral 3 P.

residence of brother-in-law, Mr. A. JTT. Walker, Ave. v.

New Clarion s. Jet. -01 05 Auto service. 1 34 I 58 I 34 43 43 43 2 2-2 43 43 43 03 'a 02 'a 02 Vz 40 35 35 3 9 16 '5-8 07 07 07 79 79 79 39 39 39 I2500A1 Br Col 200 Alas Min 1 OOO Acme Coal 1 000 Aria Silv 2700 1 2000 Belcher 2400 Big Ledse. I0OO 200 Bust Mon I OOO Caled Min OIL ments.

CITT, Oct. 29. Credit balances, runs, 74.6S3; average, average, 47,523. Itearli. K.

Ron i tare. Tennenwe Ave, $5.00 per week. SCOTT. Oct. 2Si REBECCA wife of 137 f.

rooms THE LAFAYETTE, Large I'onifortabli late John Scott. Relatives and friends ore invited to attend funeral. 2 P. from her late resilience, tilft K. 20th st.

Int. Ceni. Auto funeral. Remains may be General Will Give Views on Permanent Military Legislation WASHINGTON, Oct. 29.

General Pershing will appear next Friday at a joint meeting of the Senate and House Military Committees to give his views on permanent military legislation and to review the record of the American Expeditionary Force. Tentative plans for the hearing were made today by Chairman Wadsworth and Kahn of the two committees. The general's statement is expected to occupy several days. New York Stops Certificate Issue ALBANY, N. Oct.

20. Issuing of liquor tax certificates, except for the sale of liquor by licensed pharmacists and the sale of alcohol for medical, mechanical and scientific purposes, was ordered suspended today by Herbert S. Sisson, State Commissioner at Excise. The instructions, sent to all liquor tax certificate issuing officers of the various counties, will remain in force until the President suspends the operation of the Federal war-time prohibition act, it was stated. Commissioner Sisson stated that existing licenses re not operative now, and that a refund would be made upon their surrender.

viewed Fri. eve. I I 00 Canada Cop I II Briwn's-Milla-in-ihe-Pines, N. .1. The Pig'n Whistle Inn Brown's Mills-m-the-Pine, N.

J. -16 SHEADAKER. At Camden. N. Oct.

"ft. MARY widow of John H. Shcdaker, aged exceptional lots, higher; do medium, 25a26cU 3000 CandelarU I 700 Con Copr 6 '4 500 Cressou Gd 2'8 2O00O Cresct Mi'N 40 1-16 1-16 Va -01 1-16 4 38 Chicago CHICAGO, Oct. 29. Hogs, receipts.

estimated tomorrow, 35,000 20c to 25c higher, closed weak. Bnlk, S13.50al4; top. heavy. medium, light. light light.

S13.25al3.73; heavy packing- sows, smooth. Sl.taia.50; packing sows, rough. pigs. S12.50al3.50. Cattle, receipts.

1S.000: estimated tomorrow, 20.0O0; elw. Beef steers, medium and heavy weight, choice and prime, J16.75a19.50: medium and good, common, $8. 25a J0.5O; light weight, good and choice. S14a. 19.25: com mon and naedium.

butcher cattle, heifers. cows, canners and cutters, vea! calves, feeder steers. $6.75 al3: stoeker steers, western range steers, S7.75al5.50; cows and heifers. $6al3. Sheep, receipts, estimated tomorrow.

25.000 lambs. culls and common. ewes, medium, good and choice. culls and common, $3a 6.50; breeding, New York NEW YORK. Oct.

29. Beeves, receipts, 3010; lower; common to fairly prime steers, oxen and stags. hulls, cows. Calves, receipts. 1720.

firm: veals. $15a21: culls. fed calves, $10al2; grassers. yearlings, $5a6; Westerns, Sheep and lambs, receipts, 6040, firm: sheep. culls, $3a4: lambs, $12al5; culls.

$9all; yearlings. $9al0. Hogs, receipts. 3490; higher at 313.75 all; piss, $13. oO; roughs, 2300 Divide t-xt I '8 lcHtryss Tbe management wiahet to annaonee ta its many patrons a rood time Friday evening.

A special "Chicken and Waffla" dinner wul bs served at 6 P. follosed by a Hal. lowe'en party, masked lUaoM. oara peptnar, marshmallow toast aa4 mmjlj aLfcor aofai attractions. Saturday morninjr a puttlnr cantest, wltS a prize for tha lowest soar.

Saturday after- 2700 El Kalvad 8500 Eureka Cro 700 First Cop 200O 49 Min'gr 4 12 2Vs 5 23'4 2'4 TRENTON SALOONS CLOSE City Not to -Enforce Prohibition, Local Regulations Special to The Inquirer. TRENTON, N. Oct. 29. Trenton hotel and saloon keepers today closed their bars and not even non-intoxicating beverages were dispensed.

There are a few saloons yet open, it is understood, in the outlying sections of the city, but only near-beer and soft drinks are being sold. The city authorities will take no action to enforce the prohibition law, hut it was stated that saloons which remain open will be compelled to observe the city regnlations. 350 Golden Gate 18 Va 618 2 'a 38 1 34 4'2 2 'a I 214 21 04 06 50 0212 5 7-16 48 S8 58 9-16 16 I 58 78 6'8 2 37 134 4t4 2 'a I Vz 2Vz 2'4 20 04 06 50 02 Vz 7 16 378 3,8 57 2 16 do poor. 22a24c; chickens, fine quality, 25a 2fic; exceptional Vts, higher; do inferior, 22 a24c; old roosters. 20a 21c; ducks.

White Pekio. 30a32c; do Indian Runner. 28a30c; geese, 2a SOc; turkeys, 35a3Sc; pigeons, old per pair, 32a35c; do young, per pair, 28a30c; Guineas, young, per pair, weighing 2 lbs and over apiece, $1. 60a 1.65; weighing lal lbs apiece, $1. 40a 1.50; weighing lalV lbs apiece, Guineas, old, per pair.

Slal.10. DRESSED POULTRY Fine heavy fowls were well cleaned up and firm; but small-sized stock was not wanted. Chickens were unchanged with some veryMAne heavy roasting stock occasionally bringing a premium over quotations. Dncks and bs were firmly held. We quote these prices: Fowls, fresh-killed, dry-picked, in boxes, weighing 4 pounds and over apiece, 40c; weighing pounds.

32a. 'We; smaller sizes, 27a31c; fresh-killed, in barrels, dry-picked, 4 pounds nd over apiece, 01 -0! 05 21 04 07 60 02' '2 2700 Goldf Cons 1 000 Gold Mer 2200 Goldf Sil 3000 Grand Pac 1 200 Great Bd SECURO A waterproof. Indestructible, ontr rane for cofilne. Ask" your undertaJter. SECURO VAULT CO.

Phone: IvOcot, M93 12th and lUbert Hta. I tmanmmm. 1 noon a card party in the. urven Room, also with a prire. Saturday avering- another dance, and Sunday another "Chicken aud WaJTlo" wonder.

Special rates from rrida.r dinner throtif Sunday aunper are: Rooms without runniur water $8.00: with runtime watar, sS.OO; with private bath. $11. These rates inaludo iter-. on meals. Trains will bs met by request at I Brown's Junction.

Fembartoa an Camp Dii. J. K. SMITH, rrtrp. 300 Hecla 5 7-16 5 700 Kerr Lake.

4'a 1 000 Louisiana Co -8 ICOOO McNamara 53 1 0O0O Masnia Chf 3-16 Min 16.

The Philadelphia Inquirer from Philadelphia, Pennsylvania (2024)
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Name: Gov. Deandrea McKenzie

Birthday: 2001-01-17

Address: Suite 769 2454 Marsha Coves, Debbieton, MS 95002

Phone: +813077629322

Job: Real-Estate Executive

Hobby: Archery, Metal detecting, Kitesurfing, Genealogy, Kitesurfing, Calligraphy, Roller skating

Introduction: My name is Gov. Deandrea McKenzie, I am a spotless, clean, glamorous, sparkling, adventurous, nice, brainy person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.