Search Results - 什麼曼的品牌化妝品諮詢:🏅line:sammibaby🏅腹肌貼片PTT🤰紅糖與减肥🛍安利減肥產品怎樣👻吃那種水果减肥快🍍15天可以减肥多少斤🔥快速減肥法瘦十斤不反彈👠力曼riman評估 (2024)

Photo: Skin Graph : Future Walkin Closet
sentation of one self. Both the physical and the emotional factors of their personality are inscribed into material.Through this process, Skin Graph allows the individual to take control in creating their bespoke contour pattern, through articulation and expression of their desired body movements.The movement of our bodies are articulated through both space and time, the body becomes a landscape in which each contour defines the extension of our physicality, a presence extending beyond the depth of our immediate skin; the second skin can displace and resonate a mapping of memory and potentiality.Through Skin Graph I aim to utilise multiple disciplines; architectural design, 3D digital design and laser cutting together with the human form. Through this process I seek to question contemporary fashion design by developing a system as a digital representation of the body, allowing the individual to form a bespoke garment. Each human form is unique, for there are no two identical individuals, this forms the foundation of my process; making each bespoke pattern and laser cut design specific to the human at the centre of my fashion methodology.While an artist paints the female form, capturing every detail in fluid brush strokes, I draw directly on to the bodies contours using light and technology, tracing the body’s landscape and defining each line and form with distinctive pattern as a projected greyscale topography. Through the use of Parametric modelling, the topography displacement map is read, the bodies contour lines created and the skin relief exemplified then laser cut to form the second skin.3D SCANNING + PARAMETRIC MODELLING + LASER CUTTING…
Added by Karl Kjelstrup-Johnson at 3:41am on October 27, 2010
Photo: Skin Graph : Future Walkin Closet
sentation of one self. Both the physical and the emotional factors of their personality are inscribed into material.Through this process, Skin Graph allows the individual to take control in creating their bespoke contour pattern, through articulation and expression of their desired body movements.The movement of our bodies are articulated through both space and time, the body becomes a landscape in which each contour defines the extension of our physicality, a presence extending beyond the depth of our immediate skin; the second skin can displace and resonate a mapping of memory and potentiality.Through Skin Graph I aim to utilise multiple disciplines; architectural design, 3D digital design and laser cutting together with the human form. Through this process I seek to question contemporary fashion design by developing a system as a digital representation of the body, allowing the individual to form a bespoke garment. Each human form is unique, for there are no two identical individuals, this forms the foundation of my process; making each bespoke pattern and laser cut design specific to the human at the centre of my fashion methodology.While an artist paints the female form, capturing every detail in fluid brush strokes, I draw directly on to the bodies contours using light and technology, tracing the body’s landscape and defining each line and form with distinctive pattern as a projected greyscale topography. Through the use of Parametric modelling, the topography displacement map is read, the bodies contour lines created and the skin relief exemplified then laser cut to form the second skin.3D SCANNING + PARAMETRIC MODELLING + LASER CUTTING…
Added by Karl Kjelstrup-Johnson at 3:42am on October 27, 2010
Photo: Skin Graph : Future Walkin Closet
entation of one self. Both the physical and the emotional factors of their personality are inscribed into material.Through this process, Skin Graph allows the individual to take control in creating their bespoke contour pattern, through articulation and expression of their desired body movements.The movement of our bodies are articulated through both space and time, the body becomes a landscape in which each contour defines the extension of our physicality, a presence extending beyond the depth of our immediate skin; the second skin can displace and resonate a mapping of memory and potentiality.Through Skin Graph I aim to utilise multiple disciplines; architectural design, 3D digital design and laser cutting together with the human form. Through this process I seek to question contemporary fashion design by developing a system as a digital representation of the body, allowing the individual to form a bespoke garment. Each human form is unique, for there are no two identical individuals, this forms the foundation of my process; making each bespoke pattern and laser cut design specific to the human at the centre of my fashion methodology.While an artist paints the female form, capturing every detail in fluid brush strokes, I draw directly on to the bodies contours using light and technology, tracing the body’s landscape and defining each line and form with distinctive pattern as a projected greyscale topography. Through the use of Parametric modelling, the topography displacement map is read, the bodies contour lines created and the skin relief exemplified then laser cut to form the second skin.3D SCANNING + PARAMETRIC MODELLING + LASER CUTTING…
Added by Karl Kjelstrup-Johnson at 3:41am on October 27, 2010
Photo: Skin Graph : Future Walkin Closet
entation of one self. Both the physical and the emotional factors of their personality are inscribed into material.Through this process, Skin Graph allows the individual to take control in creating their bespoke contour pattern, through articulation and expression of their desired body movements.The movement of our bodies are articulated through both space and time, the body becomes a landscape in which each contour defines the extension of our physicality, a presence extending beyond the depth of our immediate skin; the second skin can displace and resonate a mapping of memory and potentiality.Through Skin Graph I aim to utilise multiple disciplines; architectural design, 3D digital design and laser cutting together with the human form. Through this process I seek to question contemporary fashion design by developing a system as a digital representation of the body, allowing the individual to form a bespoke garment. Each human form is unique, for there are no two identical individuals, this forms the foundation of my process; making each bespoke pattern and laser cut design specific to the human at the centre of my fashion methodology.While an artist paints the female form, capturing every detail in fluid brush strokes, I draw directly on to the bodies contours using light and technology, tracing the body’s landscape and defining each line and form with distinctive pattern as a projected greyscale topography. Through the use of Parametric modelling, the topography displacement map is read, the bodies contour lines created and the skin relief exemplified then laser cut to form the second skin.3D SCANNING + PARAMETRIC MODELLING + LASER CUTTING…
Added by Karl Kjelstrup-Johnson at 3:42am on October 27, 2010
Photo: Skin Graph : Future Walkin Closet
esentation of one self. Both the physical and the emotional factors of their personality are inscribed into material.Through this process, Skin Graph allows the individual to take control in creating their bespoke contour pattern, through articulation and expression of their desired body movements.The movement of our bodies are articulated through both space and time, the body becomes a landscape in which each contour defines the extension of our physicality, a presence extending beyond the depth of our immediate skin; the second skin can displace and resonate a mapping of memory and potentiality.Through Skin Graph I aim to utilise multiple disciplines; architectural design, 3D digital design and laser cutting together with the human form. Through this process I seek to question contemporary fashion design by developing a system as a digital representation of the body, allowing the individual to form a bespoke garment. Each human form is unique, for there are no two identical individuals, this forms the foundation of my process; making each bespoke pattern and laser cut design specific to the human at the centre of my fashion methodology.While an artist paints the female form, capturing every detail in fluid brush strokes, I draw directly on to the bodies contours using light and technology, tracing the body’s landscape and defining each line and form with distinctive pattern as a projected greyscale topography. Through the use of Parametric modelling, the topography displacement map is read, the bodies contour lines created and the skin relief exemplified then laser cut to form the second skin.3D SCANNING + PARAMETRIC MODELLING + LASER CUTTING…
Added by Karl Kjelstrup-Johnson at 3:43am on October 27, 2010
Group: Exoskeleton
nodes using a convex hull and stitches the hulls together with polygonal struts.Cytoskeleton thickens the edge network of any existing mesh into a thickened mesh. The topology of the base mesh enables the production of a clean quad meshes whose vertices are all of even valence. BecauseIt uses the half-edge mesh library developed by Daniel Piker and Will Pearson, it also requires the installation of the Plankton dll's and gha.Exoskeleton remains a work in progress, and as bugs are fixed and new components and features introduced, updates will be placed here. Furthermore, Exoskeleton is an open-source library.Download the most recent version here:Exoskeleton2_150904.zipThis has been updated to also include Plankton version 0.3.4This library is distributed under the terms of the GNULesserGeneral Public License (LGPL).(The source is available on GitHubhere)Please use this discussion forum to post questions, describe issues, and provide feedback (and examples!).Copyright 2014 Daniel Piker and David StasiukThanks to Will Pearson, for his work on Plankton and who also has given some invaluable contributions to Exoskeleton in terms of project organisation. Thanks also to Giulio Piacentino for Weaverbird, and for general knowledge and support, andMateuszZwierzyckifor the same, as well as for sharing his code for convex hulls, which although not used explicitly here, was very helpful in many regards for the development of Exoskeleton.…
Added by David Stasiuk at 3:05am on May 13, 2014
Event: Workshop Gdl: Morfologías Algorítmicas
ntación en distintos procesos del Diseño.Se abordaran los conceptos basicos y la metodologia para abordar problemas de diseño a traves del desarrollo de Herramientas Algorítmicas mediante un proceso de programacion visual.Como plataforma de trabajo se utilizara Rhinoceros+Grasshopper.Instructor:Leonardo Nuevo ArenasFechas:17 y 18 de Septiembre de 2011Lugar:Calzada del Federalismo Sur No. 135 Altos 3, Frente al Parque Rojo ( a 15 plazasFecha limite de pago:Viernes 9 de SeptiembreImportante:Los participantes deberán traer su propia Laptop con todo el software y actualizaciones (originales o versiones de demostración oficiales) previamente instaladas. (Se fijara una fecha unos días antes para revisas que todos los equipos estén en orden y listos para trabajar). Si planeas venir de fuera de la ciudad contactanos y te pondremos en contacto con otras personas que también vayan a hacerlo para en caso de desearlo puedan compartir su lugar de estancia.Contacto:Leo. 33 3956 9209nuarle@msn.comAye. 33 1050…
Added by Leonardo Nuevo Arenas at 3:36pm on August 28, 2011
Event: Digital Process: Generative Design Technologies Workshop
esentar Digital Process: Generative Design Technologies Workshop; Taller especializado que se llevara a cabo en 4 de las ciudades mas importantes de la republica mexicana [Puebla] [Mexico DF] [Guadalajara] [Leon] en Enero y Febrero de 2012. Enfocado principalmente a arquitectos, diseñadores industriales, diseñadores de interiores, Urbanistas, Artistas digitales, estudiantes y profesionistas afines al diseño; este Workshop tiene como objetivo proporcionar a los participantes los conocimientos y recursos tecnológicos que les permitan desarrollar los elementos de un proyecto desde la concepción hasta su aplicación de manera completa. Apoyándose en un conjunto potente y flexible de plataformas, los participantes aprenderán a generar, analizar y racionalizar morfologías complejas, formas orgánicas libres y algoritmos computacionales avanzados así como a producir visualizaciones fotorealístas aplicables en diversos proyectos de Diseño. A lo largo de 5 dias de intenso trabajo, exploración y retroalimentación los participantes seran guiados en el desarrollo de un flujo de trabajo mas dinamico, que les permitira explotar al maximo el potencial de las herramientas y potencializar sus habilidades, aptitudes y capacidades. Instructores: Leonardo Nuevo Arenas [Complex Geometry] José Eduardo Sánchez [DesignNest] Daniel Camiro/Luis de la Parra [Chido Studio] Conoce el programa aquí. Para registrarte por favor visita.…
Added by Leonardo Nuevo Arenas at 11:43am on January 4, 2012
Event: AA Athens Visiting School 2013
teraction for its Correlations cycle, AA Athens Visiting School scales up its design intentions in order to investigate links among discrete individual architectural systems in its 2013 version, Recharged. Recharged with interconnectivity on different levels, the theme of investigation will revolve around the design of semi-independent design prototypes acting together to form elaborate unified results. The driving force in Cipher City: Recharged is the synergistic effect behind complex form-making systems where interactive design patterns arise out of a multiplicity of relatively simple rules.In collaboration with the National Technical University of Athens, Cipher City: Recharged will explore participatory design and active engagement modeling and will continue building novel prototypes upon horizontal planes.As in 2012, the design agendas of AA Athens and AA Istanbul Visiting Schools will directly create feedback on one another, allowing participation in either one or both Programmes.DiscountsThe AA offers several discount options for participants wishing to apply as a group or participants wishing to apply for both AA Istanbul and AA Athens Visiting Schools:1. Standard applicationThe AA Visiting School requires a fee of £695 per participant, which includes a £60 Visiting Membership. If you are already a member, the total fee will be reduced automatically by £60 by the online payment system. Fees are non refundable.2. Group registrationFor group applications, there will be a range of discounts depending on the number of people in the group. The discounted fee will be applied to each individual in the group.Type A. 3-6 people group: £60 (AA Membership fee) + 635*0.75 = £536.25 (25 %) Type B. 6-15 people group: £60 + 635*0.70 = £504.5 (30%) Type C. more than 15 people group: £60 + 635*0.65 = £472.75 (35%)3. Participants attending both AA Istanbul and AA Athens | 40% discountFor people wishing to attend both AA Istanbul 2013 and AA Athens 2013, a discount of 40% will be made for each participant. (The participant will pay the £60 membership fee only once.)£60 (AA Membership fee) + (635*0.60)*2 = £822For more information in discounts, please visit: deadline for applications is 11 March 2013. A portfolio or CV is not required, only the online application form and payment. The online application can be reached from:…
Added by elif erdine at 12:33pm on December 13, 2012
Event: Python Scripting in Rhino and Grasshopper
s for architectural design, has been heralded as the new paradigm in architecture for the last decade. Digital design techniques coupled with rapid prototyping have permeated architectural education and practice at all levels. But, besides the endless rhetoric and baseless forms, what can these methods actually contribute to the field? What is the scope of their use?This workshop seeks to answer these questions by investigating surfaces, surface mathematics and manipulations, and using this investigation to introduce students to the issues of design and fabrication of artifacts.The workshop will thus introduce participants to the basic concepts for design utilizing scripting techniques, through the exploration of the Python language for Rhinoceros. Together with the study of syntax, data types and scripting techniques the focus will be put on the understanding of the digital tools in relation with the common practice and the ways to approach problems a designer might encounter while using them.Examples of a previous similiar workshop can be foundhereDetails: Instructors: Marina Konstantatou(University College London), Pierluigi D’Ac*nto(ETH Zurich), Vincenzo Reale(Zaha Hadid Architects + Architectural Association London), Giancarlo Torpiano(Architectural Association London) *At least two tutors will be present during the workshop Language: English Schedule: 15 – 16 – 17 MAY 2013 // 9.00 – 18.00 Organizers:SMD+LaTiendaDelCAD+PeQuod Venue: McNeel Europe Offices, c/ Roger de Flor 32-34, 08018 Barcelona(map)Software: Rhinoceros 5 Grasshopper 0.9.0014 Python Component for GrasshopperEvery participant should bring his or her own laptop with the software installed. In the class will be also computers in case any participant could not bring a laptop.Links to the softwares will be facilitated to participants once they get into the registration process.Registration: Students* : 395€ (+vat) Professionals: 495€ (+vat)Early bird promoRegistrations madebefore 22nd Aprilwill get a discount over the price:Early Bird promo Student* : 295€ (+vat) Early Bird promo Professional: 395€ (+vat)For registry, please visit laTiendaDelCAD website* Students will have to proof their status with a student IDThe course will be confirmed as soon as the minimum number of participants is reached, and no later than the 29th April. There will be places for a total of 14 participants.Venue: McNeel Europe Offices, c/ Roger de Flor 32-34, 08018 Barcelona…
Added by Oriol Carrasco at 1:07pm on March 26, 2013
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Search Results - 什麼曼的品牌化妝品諮詢:🏅line:sammibaby🏅腹肌貼片PTT🤰紅糖與减肥🛍安利減肥產品怎樣👻吃那種水果减肥快🍍15天可以减肥多少斤🔥快速減肥法瘦十斤不反彈👠力曼riman評估 (2024)
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Name: Ms. Lucile Johns

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Introduction: My name is Ms. Lucile Johns, I am a successful, friendly, friendly, homely, adventurous, handsome, delightful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.