Chapter II – Part 3 – Gavalloni Studio (2024)

“Yes, I’m here. I’m here. You’re alright. You’re alright.”
The words echoed in his conscience, the now familiar voice soothing his senses that were in overdrive. Isaac was not sure how long he have been sitting in his little corner, watching the crack i the door. Not much registers to him when he’s like this. Panicked. His eyes working against him, because he just can’t close them and look away and he just can’t shut out what he sees. It’s paralyzing. The world vibrating with tense energy around him, forming shadows that are not there, not anymore at least. Creatures long gone and just the residue lingering that he picks up on. But he also can’t tell what is really there and what no longer holds any threat. Like seeing a tall figure in the doorway, looking at him with hollow black eyes that seem to burn at the edges, hands also black and clawed reaching for him as he tries to make himself smaller.
Seeing, really seeing like he does, is a burden, Isaac thinks.
He is prepared for the pain those black claws will bring him, but it never comes. Instead he hears the quick beating of a heart that he realizes in a few moments, isn’t his own. Familiar warmth embraces him and the black residue fades away as he is forced in to a firm chest, blinding his vision and forcing his brain to relax as a result. As the panic subsides he hears Aiji’s heart beating fast, his breathing was shallow too, strained. It was strange, seeing the older man so…anxious? Was it that?
Isaac tried to pry his head away from the other’s hold once he felt it loosen around him. Looking up in to dark eyes he realized the emotion he was trying to pinpoint.
Aiji Sato, who was fighting monsters and spirits and god knows what else as a chosen occupation, was afraid. It was like a fresh cold shower on Isaac.
– I’m fine now. – He said meekly when he realized he was staring. – Thank you, Aiji.
– Are you? – He looked really concerned, still holding him around his shoulders. – What the hell happened?
Isaac looked away to the side, not meeting his eyes anymore. – I’m sorry. – Was the only thing he offered in response but it seems like it was not enough. Not even close.
– It’s okay, I just need to know what happened. Did you see something? You need to tell me Isaac.
No nickname, he must be serious then. Isao was quick to pick up the habits. Aiji only called him by his given name when he was serious.
– I don’t think so. At least not that I remember. – Isaac still refused to look and Aiji refused to let him go. – I was just alone and even thou I tried to ease my nerves, once the power went out I panicked. I guess all the things that happened caught up to me. – He smiled sadly. How pathetic, and he’s supposed to work with the man and he’s acting like a child.
– You told us you will be fine alone. – Aiji reached up forcing his head to turn to him with a hand on his cheek. – Don’t dare to do this again. If something is wrong, just tell me. For f*cks sake… – I thought I lost you. Aiji let out a deep breath. – Please just trust that I will be here to protect you.
– Why?
– What why?
– I’m supposed to help you, not the other way around. It’s pathetic, I can’t even be left alone for one night. What good am I then?
– Isaac…It’s barely been a week. You can’t expect yourself to jump in and be prepared for these things. You know what I did on my first week? – Isaac shook his head – Broke my arm. In training. I spent months just getting used to seeing stuff, not to mention learning how to deal with them. Had freaking nightmares on and off for the first year.
– That’s….not as reassuring as you might think. For me it seems impossible to handle what you do. Just watching those security footage … all of this is overwhelming and now you have to look out for me too.
Aiji looked at him like he was searching, for what Isaac didn’t know. He didn’t know if he found it either, because when he dropped his hand to his shoulders, the only thing he said was: “Get your jacket.”

He was waiting at the front door, still in the dark, his own helmet held to his side by his arm and another one one in his hand. Then when the boy stepped to him, he took his wrist with a glowed hand and pulled him out of the penthouse and down the stairs. Was he angry with him? They were not familiar enough with each other to have these silent conversations, but Isaac let him drag him down the stairs, all the way to the dark parking lot. It started to be really obvious that Aiji was not one to talk his problems out, he was mode on the take action side of things, which honestly, not surprising.
– Have you ever ridden before? – Aiji asked standing beside the bike, a shake of a head his answer. – Here, let me. – He then took one of the helmets and pushed it on Isaac’s head, making sure it was secure. Then he pulled on his own. He helped the boy up before mounting his bike, giving him pointed where to put his feet.
– Hold on to me like this. – He bought his hands in front, cradling his firm middle. Isaac’s grip was only slack for a moment before the engine roared to life and they heaved forward a bit, after that, it felt like a death-grip.
Aiji made his was down out to the streets with ease and was glad the rain had stopped completely, only light rumbling left of the storm that cast over the city. The air was new and fresh and everything was still an quiet, like a whisper.
It was after a good 15 minutes that Isaac realized, they were not going anywhere in particular. Aiji had driven on wide roads, out of the city center and was now aimlessly following a dark path around the capital they lived in. Few lamps at crossroads, but otherwise dark, only the white markings reflecting on concrete and the bike’s lights gleaming.
The cold sharp wind in his face, the smell of rain, the dark with just glimpse of lights washing away with the speed, the strong body under his grasps. It was not terrifying. Even if it was dark. Even the speed was much higher than anything he felt before. The racing of his heart that started with the engine now was steady, it was peaceful.
Aiji felt the hands loosen around him, not letting go, but just enough to not be digging into him. A few moments later he felt a hard surface leaning on his back. He smiled to himself as he took the next turns, taking a rout he was familiar with, slowly reaching the part of the highway that ran along the shoreline. He reached back to nudge Issac on his knee, to look out to the left. He felt it when the boy did, his fingers gripping onto his clothes.
The sea. Dark blue sea. So terrifying and yet, it calmed him like nothing else. Barely seeing where the sky met water, barely different from the dark blue orbs, looking out for him.


Isaac forced himself to sleep alone for the next days and swore to do it so for the upcoming weeks too. As much as he wished to crawl to the other’s secure embrace, that now he was way too familiar with, he refused to be that weak. Yes, there would be nightmares, and yes he had woken up in cold sweat more than he likes to admit, but the only way to get over it, was to go though it.
Just as promised, his new documents were ready by the next week, all pristine and new, several of them. A new ID, a special one that indicated all information that the normal didn’t. That he was a seeker, that he had an A+ blood type and at the corner there was the indicator of the organization he worked for as of now. There was also a priority ranking on it. The highest. He also received a credit card too. Not different to the one Aiji used when buying things a few days ago, his eyes almost bulged from their sockets when he saw the statement next to it. “I hope that will be sufficient to the first set of equipment you need” was the answer when he asked. Damian seemed way too nonchalant dishing out this much to him to buy whatever was needed, but it seemed the old vampire trusted him with this work. So he started to look and order, utilizing the card he got. Soon the room he was shown the first time he set foot in The Crimson was full of boxes. He wanted to start to work as soon as possible, to feel useful.

Besides settling in, he also started to let up a bit around the others. Nyans was a regular at Aiji’s place now, looking at him with big eyes when he wanted to play games. Seems Aiji didn’t entertain him in that regard, but he did in others. They often met up to practice at the penthouse too. This clearly was Aiji’s element, showing his band mates what he had worked on eagerly and them coming up with their own parts to compliment it. These sessions sometime lasted into late nights with takeout and beer. Isaac was content in just watching them, sipping on his own can of flavored beer. He found himself spacing out not once, just enjoying the presence of the others, which was a first.
Other times they gathered at Nyans’s place, which was in one was overwhelming and disappointing at the same time. He had a rented loft apartment, that had these huge floor to ceiling windows, and a big space, but there was barely anything there. A bed, later Aiji told him that he made him get it, instead of a simple mattress on the floor, a tv and a couch. Everything else was bare, some personal items boxed away in plastic containers that acted as bedside table. It was a blessing the place had a kitchen and a built in closet. But the younger boy seemed content with this. Their drummer, who they just called ‘dad’ most of the times, teased him relentlessly because of the state of his place, and they teased right back that he has it easy with a wife and kids to look after his nice little townhouse. Aiji later told Isaac that the older man was indeed a married and settled man, with a day-job and a 3 year old boy. He just loved to play the drums. He also saw Aiji accidentally one night out on a mission and he had to be let in on what his real connection to Damian was. He seemed nonchalant about it. Like about everything.
As the days passed, their lives almost seemed to set into a domestic lull. They both would occupy themselves with something at night and sleep in in the mornings. To Isaac’s biggest surprise Aiji could actually cook, pretty decently too so they took turns with meals, reminding the other to feed themselves since they both often forgot. He would sometimes disappear for the night too, but always made sure that someone was over if Chino was not available. Which she often wasn’t, leaving the home for days at times, but always coming back and staying for a few after. Sorel was also a welcome new presence again, even if they didn’t really see eye-to-eye with Aiji or Nyans, they remained civil for the sake of blonde.

After a handful of weeks Isaac was sat once again across Damian, his desk littered with files, in the middle of some sort of sorting it seemed. It was actually strange to be here so early, the sun was still up, it was barely noon. Did Damian not leave by the crack of dawn? Was there a secret passage here where he would exit. He spent a good portion of the last week shadowing Aiji and coming here, but he never saw Mr. Roux leave the place or arrive for that matter.
– I take it you have settled in? – It was a bit strange, hearing the tall and bulky vampire ask something like that, specially that he seemed to mean it. Like he cared if he did.
– Yes sir. I have, Aiji is a great host too. – He answered politely, ignoring the scoff of a light laugh beside him as the mentioned turned away.
– Really? – It was genuine surprise with a raised eyebrow. A bit comical if you see it from the outside, how Damian’s face turned amused to Aiji who was standing perched against the other seat’s armrest.
– Come on, I can be nice. – the mentioned said, trying to sound uncaring.
As if the conversation no longer held any importance, Damian looked down, gathering a few files in a stack. He looked up and held it out for the young boy.
– I want you to memorize these. Specially the top one. You will need to know it by heart. – Then he looked down at the other files, some as thick in itself as the pile he was handed. – Then we will move on to these.
Isao looked at the top one to read a very familiar name. Aiji Sato. He crocked and eyebrow and looked up at the name’s owner and then at their boss.
– You two will have a dynamic here. Sato will continue on as is, as one of our top hunters and you will monitor him. Track him on his missions like a shadow and erase his existence from any surveillance. This is our main priority as of now. – Damian spelled it out. – Memorizing that file, and a few others, will help with that. I also want to reassure you, that this is just the first step.
Isaac looked down again, looking at the other files. They were names he didn’t recognize.
– Will I have to monitor others too? – he asked pointing at the other two.
– No, I am exclusively putting you two in a pair. The others will help you understand the extent of our hunter’s training. Some that you will receive as well.
Isaac nodded at that. It was not like he had a choice in the matter right now and he had expected that much.
– Now if you’ll excuse me, I have to talk with Mr. Sato alone.
– Yes, of course. Thank you, again for your generosity sir. I will make good use of it. – Isaac felt the need to say it, to confirm that the resources will not go to waist. – I will be in my room. – He looked at Aiji then left, not going far. He had work to do.
After Isaac closed the door Aiji plopped down in the seat he got up from.
– So, how’s phase two coming along? – He asked like he knew anything about the vampire’s long-term plans. In all honesty, he was only aware that they are preparing for something called ‘the raid’. And that there was a phase two. What phase one was, how it went and how many there are, he had no clue whatsoever. Even this sliver of an information he got accidentally.
– How are his nightmares? – Damian ignored the pointless question. – Will he be able to do this?
– I’m positive. I heard him a few times since that night. It will take time. – Aiji answered, a caring look on his face. – But he seems determined.
– Hm. – His eyes bore in to the other’s. – You like him. Your heart-rate quickened when he looked at you. – Damian stated. It was not a question.
– He’s a nice kid. Plus he adores my music, what’s not to like? You don’t have to worry, I’m not planning to have any more affairs with people you entrust to me. Once was too much as it is. – He said with a distaste on his tongue, remembering his first solo mission, where he was basically a glorified bodyguard to a very attractive and very much open woman, back then about his own age. Never again, he received too many scars on that job, both literal and figurative. He will never forget the day he almost lost his eye and got that deep gash on his lip.
– Oh, I’m not worried – Damian brought him back from his thoughts. – But you need to report to me anything and everything. Mr. Brooks is still young and he will need to learn how to use his innate skills. Since he received no training regarding this, once we start, I expect it to grow exponentially.
-What exactly is your plan with him? – Aiji crocked an eyebrow at his boss.
– I am not a liar Sato, I intend to use him as I stated, his expert knowledge in hacking will be most useful.
A pause.
– Aaand? – the hunter urged on.
– I cannot tell you more. – The finality of the tone said it all. There was no room for questions.
Aiji huffed and laid back in the seat.
– I will be meeting with the others soon. Well, soon in vampire terms. – He mused. – I expect you and Mr. Brooks as well as Kravcs to attend. There I will lay out Phase two. I will let you know when and where this will happen in due time.

-Sorel, what does ‘Irretrievable’ mean? – Isaac looked up at the much taller man, who was kneeling in front of a bigger box on top of another box. The both of them looked like two boys around Christmas, sitting in a pile of presents. Sorel had a gleam in his eyes as he unpacked the contents of the shipping box, laying it out carefully. Isaac has been occupied with the files he was given, precisely one file. He only deemed it fair since Aiji has seen his before too but the contents didn’t reveal anything surprising yet.
All physical data, like just an inch short from 6 feet, perfectly balanced body weight to it and that was nothing new about all this, since Isaac has seen it up close…felt it up close, come to think of it. And he really didn’t what to think of it.
– Impossibletocorrectorreturnto apreviouslyexistingsituationorcondition. – Sorel retorted, box cutter in hand and looking over to what Isao was reading.
– Yes, I know what the word means, thank you, but in the context of…well here. – Isaac gestured around them with the file shooting a displeased look at Sorel.
Sorel put down the newest shiny part that he retrieved from a bundle of bubble wraps.
– Who’s file is that? – He asked reaching for it. – Ah, Sato. Well, yes, that kind of makes sense.
Isaac took back the file looking at it offended. Then back at his friend.
– Gods those two idiots didn’t explain a thing did they? – Isaac shook his head – It means that if he cannot complete a mission, like he gets so injured that he is no longer capable, then there is no rescue team, he is left behind.
– What? But why? Isn’t he like the best? – A thousand reasons ran through his head already, and scenarios that were less than fortunate for the young hunter.
– Well, as much as I hate to admit it, yes, he’s currently in the top rank. That comes with a lot of privileges and it seems a lot of unfortunate consequence. Like, think about it, if something is so bad that he can’t make it out, then who’s going to go in and get him? He is but one hunter, Damian won’t sacrifice ten or twenty more when he has time to train another in two years time. The only one I can think of probably being in the same ballpark as Aiji is the one who trained him, but Kravcs is currently in retirement due to some…ahm…unfortunate personal circ*mstances.
Isaac was looking down at the opened page in front of him. It was but a pile of data, information on a body, an tool. He looked at the photo attached, hard eyes looking in the camera, determined and dark like the sea at night. Then at the bar code under it with the numbers: 1-7 019 It didn’t took a genius to know, that he was the 19th. The previous numbers probably indicating rank and region. He needed to look into this more.
– Hey – Sorel poked his forehead pushing him to look up. – It’s okay, he’ll be around for many many annoying years. Spite keeps him alive.

– You flirting with me Sorel? – Aiji’s head popped up from the open door. The two jumped at the sudden comment, now they really looked like children who got in to their pile of presents before they were supposed to. Aiji let out a low whistle. – Well someone went on a shopping spree.
– In my defense, I was left unsupervised. – Isaac laughed up at him quickly closing the file and for a moment Sorel saw something flash over the hunter’s eyes, making them softer.
– I’ll leave you to your work then. I have some errands to run. – He turned to leave but then leaned back a bit – Oh, and we’ll have our first job together tonight. – And with that he was off, leaving the blonde blinking in his spot.
– What? – he asked, then replayed the last seconds in his head. It didn’t help. – WHAT?!


Seemed like Aiji had more hands-on plans to show Isaac how this all worked. It was now dusk as they drove to a more remote location. It took an hour to arrive at a make-shift temporary gate, various men stationed outside, with very evident and large guns in hand. It almost looked like a military blockade just without any flags. They did had that same logo his new ID bore.
One of the bigger men came over to the driver’s side. Aiji asked for Isaac’s ID and he showed it to him, as well as his own, all the while making small talk even tough the other had a ski mask to cover his face. They were granted entrance almost immediately.
– Ask away, I can see it in your face. – Aiji said after they left the gate and started down a dirt-road.
Isaac seemed to be lost in his own thoughts, looking out, trying to spot anything unusual.
– I don’t know what to ask first…I guess you could start at the top. – Isaac deadpanned at him. – Like why do we have military personnel here. What is your assignment exactly?
– Well, you’re not wrong, they are soldiers. A special division that is deployed whenever there is a bigger problem. Their work is to secure a big enough area for me to do my job, evacuate if necessary and keep everyone out. Also makes life easier when I’m not the one who has to come up with an explanation what we are doing here. – He looked over to Isaac who nodded, satisfied with that part. – The other crew you will see is a clean-up crew. It’s in the name really, they dispose of what’s left of the creatures, other bodies that might be around. Basically they clean up enough so people can come back and be none the wiser.
The road evened out a bit, going in to gravel as they approached a very rural area. There was a barn and house there, old looking but not abandoned. The area was kept clean cut and there were corps growing in the soil around it. Mainly corn.
– As for what we have for us tonight; the owners here went missing a few weeks back. We didn’t get to it before because they were so out here that by the time people noticed they were gone, there were others reported too. The place belonged to an older couple. They were the first to disappear, then a neighbor and a friend of theirs. The report came in when their daughter didn’t return home from her visit.
They stayed in the car as Aiji stopped at the house.
– Now, I want you to look around carefully. What do you see?

Isaac flicked a few stray hairs from his face and looked up. To him there was nothing out of the ordinary at first.
– Well, itt looks like and old farm. No lights are on, since you said the people here have been gone for weeks now. It’s quiet too. If I were to just drive by, it would not seem anything to be amiss.
– Yes, but?
– But…it’s too quiet. A farm usually has animals. There’s a doghouse but no dog has come up to see who’s here. There are pens outside but they are empty. It’s eerie.
– Good, now, if you can, open your eyes.
To accurately describe it, Isaac could only think of layers; the first and always present one showing him the obvious spirits and such. As transparent layers of reality falling in to place he could see more, every new one adding something to the picture. It was strange using it purposefully, a small pang of fear in his mind that he might not be able to come back from it again. That he might loose control over it like that night.

It was mesmerizing, seeing the your boy’s eyes, catching that gleam, that light that was not a reflection, that was coming from within, like thousand little rainbow sparkles mixing in with the honey browns and the more he saw, the more his eyes sharpened, pupils going small against it’s natural reaction to the dark environment where they should let more light in. Aiji watched this happen in great detail. Noting every small change.
– I can’t see anyone outside. There is some residue of presence around the barn, but it’s strangely empty here. Like, no lingering spirits either.
Aiji hummed and reached for Isaac’s hand to get his attention.
– Okay then, let’s go inside. Keep it up, I want to check the house first.
As they got out of the car, the wind bought a strange chiderring sound with it. It was reminiscent of the cicada’s back in japan, only a bit more muted and distant.
Going to the back of the car and opening the trunk, then something in the trunk, Aiji bought out a long metal looking case, that he pulled over onto his back.
– Stay behind me and don’t wonder off okay? – He added as they made their way to the farmhouse. The doors were open, a few windows still letting air in. It was lived in, many small knick-knacks in every room they discovered going deeper and deeper, Aiji slowly making sure they were alone.
– It looks like they just left yesterday. – Isaac noted. There was food out on the table a laundry basket with folded clothes on the floor at the back door, water glasses across the rooms and unmade beds on the upper floor. Aiji settled at a window, looking out to the barn and most of the yard. – Perfect. – He noted happily and opened the case next to him.
Isaac was busy looking through the room, finding pictures on the walls of the old couple, of a young girl and a young boy. He sat on the unmade bed, looking out to the room, not mindig Aiji at the window.
Slowly light movement danced in front of him, small specks of dusts moving just barely. A domestic dance of figures started, going about the room, leaving then coming back, folding clothes into a dressers at the far end, coming to lay on the spot next to him. Two lives reduced to the habits of their every day. Then a darker cloud of dust, more fresh but still more faint, like it was trying to erase itself. It didn’t perform tasks, it just came and went, looked around, out the window, lay on the bed then leave.
Without as much as a creak, Isaac got up from his spot, following the dark residue out the room.
– There was someone here. Other than the old man and his wife.
Aiji looked up as Issac just stepped out the door. With hasting leaps he was right behind the boy, who was slowly moving back down to the first floor, not even noticing the other man with a now assembled riffle behind him.
– Talk to me then. – This was news to him. The house have been cleared before they arrived.
– Tall, but I can’t see any details. He was moving around for some time. He ate their food, used their bed and went around like he was home. – Isaac concluded – But I don’t see interactions between them.
The dark residue guided them outside, going to the barn, that’s when Isaac stopped. Not he could feel it.

Aiji moved in front of him, slowly edging to the large doors. The sound of muffled cicadas were getting louder here, and as he got closer he could finally smell it. The stench of decay. The hairs on his neck rose as a rhythmic thudding sound was heard from inside.
– Okay, lesson’s over. Isaac go back in the house. – The tone was nothing Isao had ever heard from him, it was an order, one that had no place for debate. He only heard this tone from Damian before, but his was cold. Aiji’s voice held some warmth to it, as always. – Now, Isaac. Go. – He heard a clicking as Aiji held up the riffle, pointing it at the barn door, at about head-height.
Just as the doors burst open Isaac bolted, running back to the house as fast as his legs could carry him, up the stairs and in to the bedroom, ducking under the window. He heard the other shoot once, twice and a third time, but the unnerving noise was still present. He chanced a peak from the window.

The first bullet hit something soft and plush. Whatever this thing was, it was taller than a human. The form slowly making it’s way, jumping on a single stick.
A scarecrow. A freaking pumpkin-headed scarecrow. Only this one had cravings of ancient words on it’s head, all around, besides the permanently smiling face that glowed faintly, just as if a candle was lit inside.
This was all fine really, nothing Aiji haven’t seen before, an object that was used as a host in a summoning ritual. Now the problem was that despite it being hilarious how it moved on it’s one peg leg, it had a little surprise. A swarm of something, the origin of the noise they heard was a swarm of little pieces of corp. Sharp little pieces of grain and corn as they tore along the scarecrow, cutting in it’s denim clothes. Two other shots confirmed that the swarm will stop his bullets, protecting the host. It will tear through anything it touches. So why didn’t it attack then?
Aiji slowly circled around the thing as it made it’s way away from the barn, seemingly going in the direction the bullets came from but not turning directly to him. Coming closer to the building, he risked a peak inside and even his stomach churned by the sight. He spotted the dark circle in the middle of the barn, pulsing with energy. The portal. Around it various writings and symbols, much like on the pumpkin head, painted with blood and the remains of the missing couple. Around them clean bones, some from animals, so clean there was not even blood on them.
He looked back as the chiderring sound launched at him and he was lucky it didn’t hit as he bolted, jumping to the side and turning the gun to the pumpkin. He shot again and this time hit the head.
And nothing.
The swarm was coming back around and he jumped up, running.
As soon as he reached a few meters and stopped the swarm was back around the scarecrow, protecting it. The possessed thing turned to him, almost as to look him in the eyes.

Suddenly, something hit the ground on the opposite side, crashing loudly.
– What the ever loving f*ck? – He looked up and saw Isaac throw another glass down, now aiming closer. – Heh, so you figured it out too huh? – He whispered to himself. Sure enough the distraction gave him a moment to slip to the door silently. He took the stairs two at a time to get up more quickly and once he was there he also slid under the window. He didn’t waste time in setting his gun down to the windowsill, quickly searching for his target.
– Can you hit it closer? I need a clear shot at it’s head. – He asked as Isaac ducked to the side again.
– You did hit it’s head, it didn’t do anything.
– I know, I need to his one of the symbols. – He looked down at the boy who was panting, probably from the nerves. – Now can you do it?
– Yes.
– On my count. – He looked back into the scope, the swarm blurring the target still.
Isaac grabbed a bigger vase this time.
– One.
He rushed over to the dresser, pulling out a cloth, anything and stuffed one end in, creating a long tail.
– Two.
Isaac braced himself to throw.
– Three.
The vase flew out and once it entered the scarecrow’s field of vision, the swarm bolted to it. For a moment it was all silent until Aiji pulled the trigger and the bullet rushed to it’s destination right between the pumpkin’s eyes where it tore through the symbol craved there.
The swarm barely reached their target when every last grain froze in the air and fell to the ground.
Both of them saw the outline of something forming as black smoke emerged from the pumpkin, it’s eyes no longer glowing faintly and the scarecrow falling on it’s back. As it made contact with the ground the pumpkin bust open and the rest of the smoke got out. It opened four red slit eyes at them and Isaac ducked beside the window again. Aiji watched, challenging the eyes but before he could come up with anything to do, the smoke bolted to the barn screeching in a high pitched voice.
After what felt like hours but was merely minutes, Aiji lowered his gun and sat down leaning to the wall.
– You okay there? – He asked looking over at the blonde boy, slowly sliding down the wall to sit down himself.
– Yes. I’m fine. – He said. – I don’t think I’ll ever go trick or treating again, but I’m fine. – He looked over at Aiji. Then like something has clicked for both of them, they grinned at each other, laughing. – Oh gods, what was that? – He asked.
– That, my good boy, was a classic case of ‘how to f*ck over the demon you tried to summon’. Poor guy, imagine, you can finally have a bit of carnage and you are stuck in a pumpkin hopping around. – Aiji laughed with him.
– No wonder it was so pissed. – The other laughed back. – So what now?
– Well, the portal in the barn sucked it’s ass back home, so we’re done here.
– I never saw one up close. Can I check it out?
Aiji went rigid for a moment.
– No. Trust me, not this one. – He looked over to the other wall with the pictures. – It’s not something you need to see and the portal closed anyway.
Isaac blinked at him then followed his line of vision, realization slowly hitting him.
– You found them, didn’t you? – Aiji nodded for him. – You also knew what was here right? That’s why you stopped me.
– I’ve ran over the case before I picked you up. The sings were there for a summoning. We had a few of these in a row for a few months now. No idea why they are doing it. Now the cleaning crew will come in and gather information, sweeping everything. Then someone will contact the families, making up something how they died. This one, they will probably burn down the barn. We are also expected to write a report on what we saw.
Aiji reached over a glowed hand and ruffled the boy’s hair.
– You did great. When did you figure out that it can only see in a ten meter radius?
Isaac swatted away the hand lightly, freighting offense.
– When you circled it. It did see outside of that too, but only movements. Then when I threw the glasses it turned but never attacked them. So it probably made it a priority to guard it’s head.
– Yes. The symbols were the same as in the barn around the portal. – Aiji added. – I had to get one on it’s head but the swarm was impenetrable.
– So when you asked to distract him, I though that something bigger, more heavy might catch it’s attention, if it’s close enough.
Aiji stood up and reached a hand to him, pride shining in his eyes.
– Good job, Isaac. It will be a pleasure to work with you. – He grinned as the other took the offered hand and he pulled him up, pulling him up close too, which was met with wide eyes and a little blush. – A real pleasure.

Chapter II – Part 3 – Gavalloni Studio (2024)
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Name: Zonia Mosciski DO

Birthday: 1996-05-16

Address: Suite 228 919 Deana Ford, Lake Meridithberg, NE 60017-4257

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Job: Chief Retail Officer

Hobby: Tai chi, Dowsing, Poi, Letterboxing, Watching movies, Video gaming, Singing

Introduction: My name is Zonia Mosciski DO, I am a enchanting, joyous, lovely, successful, hilarious, tender, outstanding person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.